Chapter Seventeen

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I was laying on Klaus bed with his arm around me, like I had been for at least three hours. It was completely silent. It was also Valentine's day. I was enjoying the silence when Bekah walked in. 

"Time to get up!" She yelled about to pull the covers off of us. 

"Not a good idea." I joked. Klaus was only wearing a pair of Pajama pants. 

"Whatever." She stated pulling me out of the bed. I was even more indecent then Klaus, wearing only his T-shirt. 

"Juliet go get dressed." She demanded. 

"Why Bekah?" I asked. 

"Because. You and my family are going to hang out today." Bekah said. 

"No. Bed. Sleep." I joked crawling onto Klaus bed. 

"I want to stay in here. It's more romantic anyway." Klaus said leaning over to kiss me. 

"Ew. Fine. Text me when you too are ready to join us." Bekah stated walking out of the room and shutting the door being her. I looked at Klaus and kissed his cheek. He got out of bed and went to his closet. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. He grabbed some clothes out of a closet and set them down. 

"Out. Go get some of Bekahs clothes, She won't mind." He said. I walked out of the room and into Bekahs. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket. I walked out of her room and into Klaus room. He was laying on his bed dressed. I laid next to him on my stomach. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Its a surprise." Klaus said standing up and pulling me up too. He pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back and he pulled away and dragged me to his car. It was about an hour drive when we arrived at a beautiful clearing with a tall cliff by a waterfall. He parked the car and got out. I walked over to the other side of him. 

"What are we doing here Klaus?" I asked laughing. 

"You'll see. We are going up there." He laughed pointing to a waterfall. I laughed and we started walking. We were walking past a lake and I pushed him in. He came up and pulled me in. I kissed him and got out. We started walking up farther and Once we finally reached the top I saw a picnic set up next to the top of the water fall. 

"Oh my goodness. This is amazing!" I giggled running to the picnic. 

"I knew you would like it." Klaus smiled walking slowly behind me. I sat down and as soon as he was standing in front of me I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. He smiled against my lips and pulled away to sit across from me. I looked up at the sky and it was sunset. 

"It's sunset." I stated looking at Klaus. He smiled and nodded. I kissed him again. He pulled away and put his arm around me and we sat there and watched the sunset together. This was the perfect date.

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