Chapter Twenty Seven

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It'd been a long time since I left Mystic Falls. It was the end of the year and I was graduating. Everyone eventually stopped texting me and I was now dating Alex. Yes, I still missed Klaus... a lot, but when I was with Alex it was at least a little better. My sister still texts every Once in a while and I made a new best friend, Janet. She was awesome and reminded me slightly of Rebekah. It made me tear up at times, but I could handle it. I enjoyed telling stories of my old life to my new friends. It was calm and almost normal, no vampires, werewolves, witches, or hybrids. I loved it here, but Mystic Falls will always be my home. 

I put on my graduation cap as I waited to be announced. Alex came up to me and kissed me. 

"Hey Alex." I greeted. I felt a little guilt knowing that I still loved Klaus and could never love Alex the way I loved him. I couldn't go back though. I had thought about it many times, believe me, but that also made me think of who I had become. I was wrong when I said coming back could change me back at least a little. The truth is, I don't drink anymore. I'm back to the sweet innocent Juliet I once was and... I hated it. 

"Janet!" I yelled as she hugged me. 

"Juliet. Hey. You look sad. What's wrong?" She asked. 

"Just thinking about my old home." I sighed. Janet hugged me. 

"Oh. I have an idea. Why don't all of us visit after we are through here." Janet suggested. 

"Yeah." Alex agreed. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah. We want you to be happy and if that's what it takes then so be it." Janet laughed. I heard Janet's name, meaning it was her time to graduate. She walked up the steps and graduated happier than ever. Next, was Alex. He walked up the steps and graduated. Now, was my turn. I walked up the stairs and graduated, thinking about how much I wished I could be in Mystic Falls. I walked down stairs and waited for graduation to end and when it did I went straight home and packed. As soon as I was done I picked up Janet and Alex and we left for Mystic Falls.

          I was standing in front of my house and I hushed my friends and told them to seriously not make a sound. I walked inside quietly and flashed upstairs using vampire speed. Soon, I was in Caroline's room, on her bed sprawled out on top of her. 

"Who ever you are get off me!" She yelled pushing me off. She looked at the ground and saw me her eyes widened as she screamed...loudly. I heard someone running up the stairs. The door barged open. I saw my mom standing there. 

"Mum!" I yelled hugging her. She hugged back. 

"Don't tell anyone I'm home." I stated, before leaving I walked outside. I wanted to find the Mikaelsons. I knew that Klaus would not be so happy to meet my boyfriend Alex. I gave them the keys to the car. 

"Go get a hotel room. Two beds. I'm gonna stay somewhere else." I said. They were confused but nodded anyway. They drove off and I began to walk. Soon, I arrived at the Mikaelsons. I walked up to the door. I had to either knock or just barge in. I decided to barge in. I walked in and vamp sped upstairs to Bekah's room. She was laying on her bed and I laid next to her. 

"Hey Bekah." I whispered making her eyes snap open quickly. She saw me and almost screamed but I covered her mouth with my hand. She hugged me and stood up. 

"What are you doing back?" She mouthed. 

"Glad to see I'm missed here." I mouthed back. 

"Seriously?" She mouthed. 

"I missed it here." I mouthed.

"Oh and don't tell Klaus, but I'm seeing someone." I mouthed shamefully. 

"What!?" Bekah screamed not caring anymore. I covered her mouth, but it was too late. Klaus came running in before I could move. 

"Bekah who are yo- " Klaus started then he saw me and his eyes got wide. I smirked at him. 

"Hello Klaus." I greeted. He ran to me and hugged me. I could feel the love I had for him come back stronger than ever. I knew I had to end it with Alex... soon. I pulled back and looked at him. I saw a figure behind him. I looked behind him and saw... Kol. I looked at him, shocked. I ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Juliet." He said.

"I heard you left town because of me. How sweet." He joked. 

"I got to go. I brought a few friends and need to go talk to them... urgently." I said running to the grill. I walked in and saw that Alex and Janet were there talking to... Damon? I walked up to them slowly. I stopped behind Damon. 

"Damon?" I asked and he turned around and looked at me. 

"Juliet?" He asked shocked. 

"Juliet you know him?" Janet asked. 

"Yeah an old friend." I laughed hugging him.

 "Alex, can we talk?" I asked. Alex nodded and followed me to outside the grill. 

"Alex. I know you and me have been best friends for a long time and dated for a while, but my life here-I'm a different person and I was with a different person. One I'm sure that I am still in love with. Please understand, and I hope we can be friends." I said. He just shrugged and smiled. 

"I understand." He said and walked back inside. I ran off back to the Mikaelsons. I ran inside and Klaus looked at me. I ran up time him and kissed him. 

"I love you." I said as I pulled away. 

"I love you too." Klaus said kissing me again. I pulled away and he looked at me. 

"I missed you so much." I whispered in his ear. Klaus looked at me, our lips were almost touching. 

"You have no idea." He whispered his breath hot on my lips, before he slammed his lips into mine. I missed this.

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