Chapter Eight

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I woke up gasping for air. 

"What happened?" I asked noticing Caroline with tears in her eyes. 

"You're a vampire." She whispered sadly. 

"What?" I screamed. 

"I fed you blood. You died with it in your system." Caroline explained. This is all crazy.

"Wait. Y-you were dead I-I saw you. I-I was dead." I stuttered, confused. 

"You are dead, so am I- ish." Caroline explained. 

"No you're either alive or dead. There is no in between." I argued.

"Well, you and me we are in between so..." Caroline persuaded. 

"So... vampires are real what else is real?" I asked, entertaining the idea. 

"Werewolves. Tyler used to be one. Vampires. Me, you, Stefan, Damon, and soon to be if she keeps hanging out with us, Elena. Hybrids. Part werewolf part vampire. Tyler and Klaus. Witches. Bonnie. Originals. Oldest vampires in the history of time. Rebekah, Kol, Klaus, Elijah, Finn. Dopplegangers. Elena, Katherine. Ghosts. Vicki, Anna, Alaric, Lexi. That's pretty much it. I had no idea about this until I was turned. I was in the hospital, remember, car accident on founders day. Katherine, evil vampire that is 500 years old and looks exactly like Elena came and suffocated me with a pillow. I went to the carnival. I killed someone, but Stefan helped me control it even though he is horrible at it himself, but he is a great teacher he can help you." Caroline explained. 

"How old is Stefan and his brother Damon?" I asked. 

"162." Caroline answered. 

"How old is Kol?" I asked. 

"1000" Caroline answered. 

"Klaus?" I asked. 

"He is the most powerful, only the wood from one tree can kill him and the only stake in the world made of that tree, we have." Caroline answered. 

"Original hybrid, oldest vampire in the world and a werewolf combined. He is the one who turned Tyler into a hybrid." Caroline informed. 

"How many of our friends has he tried to kill or actually killed successfully?" I asked scared of the answer.

"Jenna, Elena, Tyler, Bonnie, me, Damon, Jules, Katherine, Kol, his family, his mom." Caroline started listing but I stopped her. For some reason that didn't scare me or anger me. 

"Can I go to the grill?" I asked. 

"Not yet I need to call Bonnie to make a daylight necklace so you can go in the sun and not burn." Caroline said taking her phone out. 

"So, I don't sparkle?" I joked. 

"No." Caroline laughed. 

"Oh- um Bonnie. Its me Caroline I'm having a crisis and not on clothes this time please get over here asap, bring a necklace." Caroline explained to Bonnie's voicemail. She hung up and put her phone in her pocket. 

"Okay. What do you want to do until she gets here?" Caroline asked. 

"Oh yeah! You still haven't fed." Caroline said flashing downstairs. In a second flat she was back upstairs holding a blood bag out to me. 

"Drink." She demanded.I could feel a burning urge to sink my teeth into the bag and I just couldn't stop myself. I grabbed it and drank it. Afterwards my gums started to hurt terribly. 

"Ow! What the fuck?!" I screamed in pain. 

"Its just your fangs growing." Caroline informed. The pain suddenly stopped and I could feel the veins under my eyes. I wanted more blood. 

"Hey, you can control it. Just believe you can." Caroline comforted.I took a deep breath and then felt the veins go away and my fangs left too. I heard a really loud knock on the door. Caroline rushed downstairs and came back with Bonnie. 

"Hey Juliet,hey Caroline. Whats the emergency?" Bonnie asked. I hugged her and she blacked out. Okay a witch thing I'm guessing. 

"Oh my god Juliet." Bonnie whispered, covering her mouth with her hands. I looked down. 

"I'll make a daylight necklace." Bonnie said pulling out a necklace that she had brought. 

"No. Wait. Can you use this one?" I asked handing her a necklace that I was adopted with. It was my only memories of my real family. 

"Sure." Bonnie answered as she got started on the spell. It was quiet for about a minute when Bonnie opened her eyes and put the necklace on me. I stood up and walked to the window, feeling the light on my face, it didn't burn. 

"Let me teach you compulsion." Caroline flashed away and came back a minute or so later with a random women with her. 

"Okay, concentrate and look into her eyes." Caroline instructed. I did as I was told. 

"Now tell her to do something." Caroline demanded. 

"Like what?" I asked looking at the veins in her neck. 

"Like make her tell you her favorite memory." Caroline said. 

"What is your favorite childhood memory?" I asked as I looked into her eyes and concentrated. 

"I was three and my parents were helping me make Christmas cookies." The woman responded in monotone. 

"That is so cool." I screamed to Caroline. 

"Okay now forget about this and go home." I compelled. The women left and I stood there stunned. 

"Okay that is awesome!" I yelled. 

"Come on, let's go to the grill." Bonnie suggested. We all walked outside and drove to the grill. Once we arrived I remembered to ask Caroline something. 

"Caroline, can you not tell anyone? I will tell them when I have accepted it myself." I asked her. She nodded and went to tell Bonnie. I walked up to the bar and sat down. 

"Hello love." Klaus greeted, sitting next to me. 

"I'm not supposed to be talking to you." I warned. 

"Would you like anything?" Matt asked. Blood was my first thought. 

"Tequila." I ordered, looking around, concentrating on my surroundings to distract myself from the cravings. 

"You don't drink." Matt reminded, confused. 

"I wanna try something new." I argued, feeling my fangs grow. The damn technique wasn't working. 

"I'm not supposed to give you alcohol, you're under age." Matt shook his head. 

"Give me my damn alcohol!" I argued. My fangs showed a little bit, but I put them back in before Matt could see them, Klaus on the other hand, got a good enough glimpse. 

"What the hell happened?" He asked, anger dripping from every word. 

"Caroline fed me her blood because I fell down the stairs and a vampire killed me." I explained quickly. 

"What vampire?" Klaus asked in a murderous tone. 

"I didn't see I was too busy getting killed." I sarcastically smiled at him. 

"Don't tell anyone." I pleaded. He nodded.

 "Do you know what I am?" He asked. 

"The original hybrid." I answered. 

"Although I know I should be scared of you, but I'm not." I stated. He leaned in and I did too. Our lips were about to touch when he whispered something. 

"You should be love." He whispered on my lips before kissing me intensely and I kissed back. This cant be good, but oh well.

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