Chapter Elevin

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I woke up and got out of bed. 

"Happy birthday! Go pick out an outfit." Caroline demanded. She walked out of the room and I got dressed in some short jeans shorts and a black tank top. I put my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my phone. 

To:  Rebekah

From: Juliet

You're going shopping with me. No choice.

I sent it, grabbed my phone, ran downstairs and grabbed my keys. 

         I drove to the Mikaelson mansion and walked in. 

"Rebekah!" I yelled. Next thing I know I was pinned to the wall by, I was guessing Klaus, because it was someone kissing me. He pulled away and I was right, it was Klaus.  

"Hello Klaus." I greeted smiling. 

"Hello love." He greeted kissing me again. I pulled away this time. 

"What are you doing here?" Klaus asked.

"Well, I guess I can't come see my wonderful boyfriend." I laughed, walking past him. 

"You could, but you're not." Klaus said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, then he kissed my neck. 

"Stop it." I whispered giggling. Rebekah walked in. 

"Ew. I agree, please stop it." She said, seeing us. 

"You were right Klaus, I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see Rebekah, we are going shopping for a party my sister is throwing." I said hugging Rebekah. 

"May I ask what for?" Kol asked walking in. I ran up and hugged him. I kissed his cheek,  because he was my best friend and they didn't care and if they did,  so what. 

"Not a what, a who. Me." I stated walking to the center off the group as a man I didn't know walked in. 

"Hello, who is this?" He asked.

"This is Juliet, my best friend and Klaus' girlfriend." Rebekah stated. Kol put his arm around me. 

"I believe the best friend role goes to me." Kol laughed, making me laugh. 

"I'm Elijah." Elijah greeted. I held out my hand for him to shake,  but he kissed my hand. I blushed and looked down. Klaus glared at Elijah. I laughed and walked over to Klaus. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck again. 

"Well, why is Caroline throwing a party for you?" Klaus asked before kissing my neck repeatedly. 

"It's my birthday." I responded.  Rebekah and Kol looked at me and Klaus stopped kissing my neck. 

"Happy birthday." Klaus said before kissing my neck again.

 "Well, let's go shopping." Rebekah said. I pulled away from Klaus and he pouted at me. 

"Sorry I got to go." I said dragging Rebekah with me to the mall. 

        Once we got there I went to a dress shop with Rebekah close behind me. 

"How about this?" I asked holding up a aqua blue dress. 

"Go try it on." Rebekah demanded. I grabbed the dress and walked into the dressing room. I tried it on and walked out of the room and Rebekah looked at me, shocked. 

"You look amazing!" Rebekah squealed. 

"Thanks." I blushed. I walked back into the dressing room and put my normal clothes back on and walked out.  We payed after She picked out a dress and went back to her house. I walked in and saw Klaus  and Kol. 

"Hello Klaus. Hello Kol. " I greeted. Klaus came up to me and kissed me. I pulled away first. 

"Hello love." He greeted smiling, then he kissed my neck. 

"Klaus. I have to go home, you're invited to the party, all your siblings are." I said as I pushed him away gently. I walked out the door and drove to the boarding house. Once I arrived I realized people were already there. I ran upstairs and put on my dress and did my hair. I put on some make up and went downstairs and saw so many people. The first person I spotted was Klaus he started walking towards me,  but I held my hand out signaling for him to stop. Caroline walked up and hugged me. 

"Hello Caroline." I greeted. She looked around. 

"Why are the Mikaelsons here?" She asked. 

"I-um invited them." I explained. 

"Why?" Caroline asked angrily. 

"I don't know." I lied. Caroline just walked off. I walked down stairs texting the Mikaelsons. 

Hey meet me outside.

I sent the message and walked outside. I immediately spotted Klaus,  Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah even though I didn't text him. 

"Hey Caroline wants to know why I invited y'all." I said. 

"You could just tell her." Klaus suggested before kissing me. 

"She is my sister and I love her, but if I tell her, she'll kill me, metaphorically." I stated walking over to the middle of the circle. 

"So what am I going to do?" I asked. Klaus came up to me. 

"Don't worry about it tonight." He said kissing me.

"Juliet!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I looked up and saw Caroline. 

"Oh my God Caroline." I said shocked. 

"When were you going to tell me you were dating the enemy!?" She screamed at me. 

"I can tell I'm appreciated. " Klaus joked. 

"I wanted to tell you, I did, but I knew how you would react." I argued. 

"Whatever. It's time for cake." Caroline said walking off. I almost followed her, but was pulled back by Klaus. 

"Just give her time love." He said. I walked inside calmly. I ate some cake and walked upstairs into a random room. I'm guessing Damon's. I didn't care. I sat on the bed alone. I laid down and ended up falling asleep.

         "Hey Juliet wake up." I heard Damon say.  I opened my eyes and sat up. 

"Hey Damon, Sorry. Me and Caroline got into a fight, would it be okay if I stayed here?" I asked. 

"Sure and a fight about what may I ask?" He asked. "Klaus." I said quietly. He nodded. "Okay well you stay up here I'll go sleep on the couch.  By the way all the guests are gone and five asked if you were okay. Klaus, Kol,  Barbie Klaus, Elijah and Caroline." He stated walking out of the room. I laid back down and fell back asleep.

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