Chapter Thirty Three

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"Im a witch." Janet said.

I sat there in silence for a second then burst out laughing.

"Do you not believe me?" Janet asked.

"Yes, I believe you. It's just-I was getting tired of having to act normal around you." I said.

"What do you mean normal?" She asked.

"I'm not human. I'm a vampire." I said.

"Oh." She said simply.

"Yeah." I stated.

"I knew that. I also know that Alex is a wolf." She stated.

"He is?" I asked.

"Yeah." She stated.

"Wow. This is so new to me. How am I going to handle learning this?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just couldn't keep this from you." Janet said.

"I know thanks." I said hanging up. I sat down next to Klaus.

"I'm extremely shocked." I said. He kissed my forehead.

"I know." He rubbed my arm. I sighed and the light went out with no one near it.

"What happened to the lights?" I asked.

"I don't know." Klaus said turning the lights back on. I leaned back and sighed.

I was at the wedding spot planning on what we were going to do. The wedding was tomorrow.

"Okay so I walk from her and onto there." I informed.

"Okay." Klaus said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Oh and my last brides maid is Janet." I informed.

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