Chapter Twenty Eight

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I woke up at the Mikaelsons. I had stayed there, because I was only visiting. I stayed with Klaus. Nothing happened though. I stood up and walked to my suitcases. I grabbed out a pair of denim jeans and a light blue shirt. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel, before realizing I left my clothes in Klaus' room. I walked out of the bathroom and into Klaus room time find him awake on his bed. He looked up when I walked in. 

"Now You're just teasing me aren't you love?" He joked. I laughed and grabbed my clothes. I walked back into the bathroom and got dressed. Once I was finished I walked out and into Klaus room. 

"So you wanna hang out at the grill?" I asked sitting next to him. He put his arm around me and kissed my neck. 

"Mhmm." He hummed before doing it again. 

"Let's go before you do anything else." I stated, standing up and dragging him up with me. 

"Now, love what's the fun in that?" He asked kissing me. 

"I want you to meet my friends." I stated giving him puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine." He stated as we walked outside and drove to the grill.

        Once, we arrived we walked in. I stopped him before we could move. 

"They are human don't forget." I stated. He nodded and I looked around for Janet and Alex. When I found Janet and Alex, they were kissing! I pulled Klaus over to them and they pulled away as soon as they noticed us. 

"Too late. I saw. I'm happy for you two. Guys, this is Klaus, my boyfriend and love. Klaus this is Janet and Alex." I quickly stated. I sat down and Klaus sat next to me. 

"So, Klaus... tell us about yourself." Janet said breaking the awkward silence that had been going on for about thirty minutes. 

"What do you want to know?" Klaus asked. 

"Do you have any siblings?" Janet asked causing me to smirk. 

"I can answer that. Yes. He has two brothers, Elijah, the polite one and Kol, the cocky one. He has one sister, Rebekah. My best friend is actually Kol." I explained. Klaus looked at me. 

"You left one out love." He stated. 

"Oh Yeah actually three. Finn he died. Henrik also dead, and the oldest I don't know the name of." I said sadly. Klaus smiled. 

"Okay. How long have you known Juliet?" Alex asked. 

"Since she came back here the first time." Klaus answered. 

"I'm going to the bar to get a drink." I stated standing up and walking to the bar, while still listening to the conversation. 

"So, secret questions time. Have y'all slept together?" Alex asked. I could tell Klaus smirked. 

"Yes." Klaus answered. 

"Are you ever going to have kids?" Janet asked. 

"I don't think so." Klaus said laughing. 

"Are you ever going to propose?" Alex asked. 

"Maybe." Klaus smirked. 

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath. I heard Klaus chuckle. 

"What are you mad about?" Klaus whispered. "I want to know about that." I mumbled. 

"Too bad." He whispered. I laughed.

         I was at Klaus house. We had went back after hanging out with Janet and Alex. They turned out to actually like Klaus. I laid down on his bed and fell asleep.

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