Chapter Four

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    I woke up, getting dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans and a black V-neck that fit perfectly. I walked into the kitchen and immediately spotted Caroline.

"Hey Caroline." I greeted taking bowl out of the cabinet.

"Hey." She replied pouring her coffee. After a small moment of silence I spoke.

"Are you skipping school Caroline?" I asked after realizing she wasn't at school yesterday.

"Of course not." She lied. I haf a habit of telling when people are lying. You could say a gift.

"You're lying Caroline! You know I can tell when people are lying." I scolded.

"Fine. I'm skipping please don't tell mom." She begged. I smiled, mischief on my mind.

"I won't and you owe me." I  walked off with a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. Once I finished I put my bowl in the sink and drove to school. After I arrived I immediately spotted Kol.

"Hey Kol." I greeted, walking up to him.

"Hey Juliet." He greeted hugging me. I hugged him back and we walked to class. School went by normal. After school me and Kol were playing pool at the grill, or trying because I sucked at it.

"You are really horrible at this aren't you?" Kol chuckled. I nudged him playfully before I heard someone clear their throat behind us. I turned around and saw Klaus standing there.

"Hello Klaus." I smiled at him.

"Hello Juliet." Klaus greeted me. Kol looked between us before awkwardly speaking.

"I'm gonna go to the bar." Kol informed walking off and handing Klaus the pool que.

"Wanna play a game?"I asked gesturing to the pool table.

"Of course." Klaus accepted. I walked over to the table and tried to hit the balls, but that was a fail.

"I'm horrible at this, sorry." I apologized.

"Want me to teach you?" Klaus chuckled. I nodded.

"Please." I begged, laughing a little. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He held my hands and moved making me hit the white ball and a couple a others went into the holes. He released me and walked to the other side.

"Thanks." I smiled and I tried again. I heard another person behind us and as I turned around I saw Caroline.

"Hi Caroline." I smiled. She didn't reply, anger and shock covering her face.

"Hello Caroline." Klaus spoke up. My jaw dropped.

"You know each other?" I asked. He nodded.

"Old friends." His eyes were still trained on her and hers on him. I looked down and threw the pool que on the table.

"Friends? Really Klaus? Juliet, we have to go." Caroline demanded. I nodded, rushing off, following Caroline.

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