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Hi, it seems that, despite the fact that I wrote this in like 7th grade and I honestly wasn't really even trying to make it good, people REALLY like it to this day. 

SO, my question to anyone who is reading, or has read this book, would anyone be interested in me rewriting it? The story would be changed up a bit to make more sense, the grammar would be better, and there would be less spelling errors. 

Just like, let me know if anyone is actually interested because I would like to believe that I've improved my writing skill at least a little since I wrote this. 

Quick note as well, for anyone wondering why I sort of just abandoned the sequel to this book (Rebellious) there are actually a few reasons. 

1. People didn't seem to be enjoying it all that much, certainly not as much as they enjoyed this one, which I guess is to be expected from a sequel.

2. I actually stopped watching TVD around season 5 or 6, partially because I was just annoyed having to wait for weekly episodes when I was so used to just binge watching it on Netflix, and also partially because I was made fun of by the guy I was dating for liking it and it made me kind of hate it. 

3. I ended up creating multiple different accounts, but I actually only have one other one that I'm active on. It's daretodream16 and please feel free to follow me on there, but you also don't have to. Other than just rewriting this story, (and possibly Accidental Heartbreaker, but that's to be determined) if y'all want me to, I will not be making anymore TVD content for quite some time and there is none on my other account. 

All of that being said, TL;DR: If you want me to rewrite this book, drop a comment. If you think it should stay immortilized in all of it's cringey glory, also let me know. Thank you all and I really appreciate the amount of love that you are all still giving this book six years later. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 


Destiny <3

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