Chapter Two

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I was still at the Grill, but Caroline left to deal with something, leaving me alone at the booth we were at. I glanced over at the bar and noticed the guy I'd been thinking about all day sitting there sipping at his glass. I looked away and back at my drink. It was empty. I sighed, heading to the bar and sitting down two seats away from him.

"You need something?" Matt asked walking up to me, smiling.

"Orange Juice please." I ordered. Matt nodded and walked away.

"I won't bite you know." The man teased, his thick British accent ringing in my ears.

"I didn't expect you to." I replied, looking over at him.

"Would you care to sit with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I mean, I don't even know your name." I replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Klaus. You?" He introduced, holding his hand out to me.

"Juliet." I answered, taking his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Klaus brushed his lips over my knuckles. After dropping my hand, our eyes connected and the world stood still at that second. Then I cleared my throat, looking down.

"Well, Klaus thanks for the offer, but I have to refuse." I let out a sheepish laugh, taking my drink and trying to rush away.

"Why is that?" Klaus asked, looking more disappointed then I thought he would.

"Um." I tried to come up with an answer, but because I was to busy staring into his beautiful eyes, I instead ran right into a bar stool, knocking it on the ground, making a loud noise. He gave me a certain look, it could've been translated as pity. "Are you okay?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied, rushing off this time successfully.

By the time I arrived home my face was redder than a firetruck and anyone could tell. I stopped on my porch and calmed myself down only to notice a piece of paper underneath my phone that was tightly in my grip. I brought it up to my eyes and saw a phone number followed by the name Klaus, written in perfect cursive. A smile forced it's way onto my lips as I felt my face go back to normal. I quickly rushed inside to hear Caroline talking to someone.

"I'm home!" I yelled, rushing upstairs into my room where I laid on my bed. Suddenly I felt the weight of my bed shift.

"Caroline. I'm tired, let me sleep." I groaned.

"Ouch. Guess I can't say hi to my childhood bestie." Tyler's voice teased. I jumped up, wrapping my arms around him.

"I missed you Ty." I smiled. He nodded, rubbing my back.

"You too Julie." He replied.I heard a knock and looked up to see Caroline. "Hey Care." Tyler smiled at her. I gave then a suspicious look.

"Since when were you two close?" I asked them. Caroline held back a smile.

"We're closer than you think." Tyler replied. Realization hit me hard as I beamed at them.

"You're together!? As!" I asked, joy filling my body.

"Yeah." Caroline nodded. I smiled and they explained before they let me sleep.

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