Chapter Twenty Four

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I walked into the grill, Where I was meeting Damon Salvatore. I looked for him and found him sitting on a bar stool then I walked over and sat next to him. 

"Hello Mr.Salvatore." I greeted. He turned his head and looked at me. 

"Juliet." He greeted smiling. 

"How have you been?" I asked. 

"Good except the usual." Damon stated drinking his shot. 

"What about you?" He asked. 

"Horrible." I sighed. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Boy drama, actually original hybrid problem." I laughed. 

"Klaus? What did he do?" He asked confused. 

"He daggered my best friend." I stated. Damon put on a fake hurt face. 

"I thought I was your best friend." Damon joked. I laughed. 

"In your dreams." I joked back. 

"So which one, Elijah, Rebekah, Or Kol?" Damon asked. 

"Kol." I sighed. 

"Well, what can I do to help?" Damon asked. 

"Can you undagger him?" I laughed. 

"Not if I want to keep my head." Damon laughed. I did too. I heard the door open and I looked to see Klaus walking in. He spotted me immediately and walked over to sit next to me. 

"I'm leaving." I informed Damon standing up. Klaus had just sat down so when I was about to walk away he grabbed my wrist. 

"Juliet. Don't be like that?" Klaus pleaded. 

"Be like what? Bitter. Guess I've been hanging out with you too much." I growled. 

"Come on. Talk to me." Klaus begged. 

"And if I don't? What are you gonna do then?" I asked. Klaus just sat there speechless. 

"When you're ready you know where to find me." Klaus stated letting my arm fall to my side. I looked at Damon who was smirking at our argument that he got to witness. 

"Don't be so smug." I spat before walking to a Booth and sat down. I groaned in frustration. What did I do to screw my life up so bad? I thought. Oh Yeah, I came back to Mystic Falls. I thought. Maybe if I move back, everything will be normal again. Yeah I'll still be a vampire, but it will be as normal as it gets. I thought. I took out my phone and texted Caroline. 

Caroline I need to talk. Come to the grill.

I pressed send and put it back in my pocket. I looked up and there stood Klaus. 

"What do you want Klaus?" I asked annoyed. 

"I want you to forgive me." Klaus stated. 

"Well that's not gonna happen. Is that all?" I asked. 

"Juliet, I love you. I didn't want to hurt you, but my little brother needed to be taught a lesson. He will get out faster than you know it." Klaus said. 

"Just get the hell away from me. It's over. I can't forgive you." I stated. He grabbed my face and kissed me roughly. I pulled away and looked at him. 

"Like I said we are done." I said walking away. I walked outside and sat on a bench. I'm definitely leaving.

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