Chapter Nine

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  I was at the Mikaelson mansion hanging out with Kol. It had been two hours since Klaus kissed me. 

"So is my brother a good kisser?" Kol asked teasingly. 

"Um... I'm not going to answer that." I giggled. 

"You're acting weird. What's wrong?" Kol asked. I still hadn't told him I turned a even though he was my best friend. 

"Nothing." I answered nervously. 

"Your heartbeat is getting faster." Kol observed. 

"How would you know that?" I asked in the best scared voice I could muster up. I swear I could star in a movie. 

"I know you know." He stated. I looked at him and nodded. 

"How?" I asked. 

"Klaus told me." Kol stated.

"Oh." I responded. Kol looked at me and then at my lips. I looked at him and he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't react at first, then I pushed him away. 

"What the bloody hell are you doing!?" I yelled. Kol looked sad. 

"Um... well I've just been wanting to do that for a while now." He laughed. I stood up and he grabbed my arm. 

"Wait. I just did it to make Klaus mad. It's what I do." Kol joked. I laughed and sat back down. 

"In that case." I smirked before kissing his cheek. Klaus suddenly walked in and he didn't seem too mad. 

"Hello love." Klaus greeted kissing my cheek. 

"Klaus. We aren't together until you ask me." I informed. 

"Juliet Forbes, will you be my girlfriend?" Klaus asked. I smiled and put on my best thinking look that was obviously fake. 

"Hmm... i'll think about it." I teased ,standing up. Klaus grabbed my waist and twirled me around. He kissed me before setting me back down. 

"Well I think I'm just gonna go barf." Kol joked walking out of the room. I kissed Klaus again. His soft lips colliding with mine. 

"I got to go see you tomorrow." I ordered before walking out of the house. I got in my car and drove home. Once I got there I walked inside and saw Caroline. 

"Where have you been? I looked for you for hours!" Caroline scolded. 

"Don't worry I'm fine." I assured Caroline. 

"Yeah. Where were you fine at?" Caroline asked. I smirked.

 "Getting a delicious snack." I laughed, walking upstairs and putting on my pajamas. Then I went to bed.

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