Chapter Three

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     I woke up to Caroline calling my name.

"Juliet!" She yelled, causing me to fall off my bed.

"What do you want?" I asked looking at my alarm clock. It was 5:30 A.M.

"We have school." She answered.  I groaned and stood up walking over to my closet and picking out an outfit, a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a flared white tank top. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I brushed my dry hair and went downstairs.

"Hey Mum." I greeted my mum.

"Hey." She greeted back. I grabbed my keys and drove to school quickly. Once, I arrived I immediately went to my class. I sat in the back of the class in all of my classes and did my work. When the bell rang I left class and went to my next one. In second period I made a new friend.

"Okay class, today we have a new student, Kol Mikaelson." Mrs. Hernandez said. The student came into the room and scanned the room for a seat. Suddenly his eyes landed on me and moved to the empty seat next to me, he immediately smirked and sat next to me.

"Hey, I'm Kol." He introduced in a British accent. "Hi. Juliet." I whispered back to him, smiling a little bit.

"Nice to meet you." Kol smiled.

"You too." I replied. We talked all day. Soon, school was over and we were hanging out at his house.

"Hello."A familiar British accent entered the living room.

"Oh! Hello Klaus." I greeted, my voice becoming small.

"You know each other?" Kol asked.

"Mhm." I hummed awkwardly.

"Can I speak with Juliet?" Klaus asked. I stood up and followed him outside.

"Pleasure to see you again, love." He smiled down at me. I nodded, rocking back and forth on my heels. He let out a small chuckle.

"Are you always so talkative?" He laughed. My breath hitched in my throat before I spoke again.

"Just when I'm around you." I winked at him, jokingly. After I realized what I said, I mentally slapped myself.

"Really?" He smirked. I shook my head.

"Oh, get over yourself. I was joking." I replied. His smirk dropped and he grew serious.

"So, are you dating my brother?" He asked, showing no emotion whatsoever.

"Who? Kol?" I asked, confusion etched on my face.  

"Yes, Are you?" Klaus asked growing annoyed.

"No." I answered.

"Now, was that so hard?" Klaus teased as he walked inside with me following me.

"Um... Kol, Klaus I am going home, see you tomorrow Kol." I stated, exiting the mansion. I got out the door when I realized I didn't have my car. I walked back inside.

"Kol! My car is at the school can you drive me to the school to get it!?" I asked. Kol came out of the living room looking a bit angered.

"Of course." He smiled covering up his sour attitude. We walked outside and he drove me back to the school in silence. Once we arrived I got out and walked to my car, then I drove home, going to bed immediately after.

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