Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up in the same place I fell asleep at. In the arms of Klaus. I snuggled closer to him and he opened his eyes. 

"Hello love." He greeted in the hottest sleepy voice. I kissed his lips gently and he smiled at me. 

"Hello Juliet." I heard from the door way.

"Caroline is here, she got here a while ago and thought it would be best not to disturb the two of you." I turned and realized it was Elijah. 

"Okay. Tell her to come in here." I said yawning. Klaus kissed my forehead and I snuggled close to him again as Caroline walked in the room. She at down across from us in a small chair. 

"Hey Juliet, me and Elena and Bonnie are hanging out today wanna come with us?" Caroline asked clearly uncomfortable with her sister snuggling with Klaus. I moved over to make her more comfortable and Klaus gave me a confused look. 

"Of course.  Just let me go home and get ready." I said standing up. 

"Caroline look away." I warned and She did as I said. I pulled Klaus up and kissed him. I mouthed I love you and he mouthed I love you too back to me. 

"Caroline you can turn back around." I assured. She turned around and Klaus grabbed me and kissed me. 

"Ew." Caroline gagged. I could feel Klaus smirk against my lips. I pulled away. 

"I'm leaving now!" I yelled to all of the Mikaelons. All of them came to say good bye to me one belt one, starting with my best friend, Kol. He hugged me and I kissed his cheek. Behind him was Bekah, she hugged me really tight obviously trying to steal the best friend role from her brother. Last was Elijah, he walked in and just bowed then left. 

"Your family loves me." I whispered to Klaus before kissing his cheek. 

"It's true!" Bekah yelled from the other room I laughed and walked outside with Caroline. We drove to our house in awkward silence until she decided to speak up. 

"I will never get used to going to that house to pick you up." She laughed. I laughed too. 

"Yeah Sorry. The whole Klaus kissing me with you looking was his idea. Not saying I didn't like it,  but I know for a fact it bothered you." I apologized, sorta. 

"Yeah.  Like I said, never gonna get used to that, so what is your relationship with his family?" She asked. 

"Kol is my best friend, Bekah is arguing with him for that position and I don't know Elijah all that Well." I answered. She looked kind of upset. 

"What's wrong?" I asked scared that I had upset her. 

"It's just... you and me have always been best friends. I never thought anyone could change that especially not an original." Caroline said sadly. 

"Caroline. We were never best friends. We have ways been closer than that, we are always gonna be sisters and we always have been." I smiled at her reassuringly. She smiled back. We sat there in silence until we pulled up at our house. I ran inside and got dressed in a pair of shot cut offs and a tank top. I walk back outside after putting my hair in a loose side braid. I noticed that Caroline was already in the car waiting on the phone with somebody. 

"We'll be there soon Elena." She said.

"Okay. Um is Juliet really with Klaus?" She asked disapprovingly. Caroline got a disappointed look on her face, not at me, but at the tone Elena was using. 

"Actually yes." She said in a matter of fact tone that had an attitude. 

"Oh. Did you warn her?" Elena asked, concerned. 

"I did, but she doesn't need it I can tell that Klaus really loves her." Caroline smiled at the thought of having an original protect me with his own never ending life and I did too. 

"Well you might want to keep watch on them." Elena stated. 

"Don't go near them!" Caroline yelled. I was silent for a moment. 

"Sorry it's just I trust Juliet and I trust that if she feels unsafe with him at any time she will find us. Because if he hurts her I don't care how powerful he is I will drive that white oak stake through his heart myself, but from what I've seen I think he would do it to himself." Caroline said softly. 

"Yeah. Just hurry up and get here I need to talk to Juliet and so does Bonnie." Elena said before Caroline hung up. I walked to the car and got in. 

"Thanks for defending me." I said as I closed the door. 

"It's not nice to eavesdrop." Caroline laughed. 

"Was it all true?" I asked sincerely. 

"Yes even the white oak stake part." She nodded. I smiled as we drove to the grill silently. Once we arrived we walked in and Bonnie and Elena waved us over to them. We walked over to them and sat down with them. 

"Hey Bonnie. Hey Elena." I greeted. 

"Hey we need to ta-" Elena started before I cut her off. 

"If you are trying to talk some since into my dating options then you're wasting your breath." I stated. Elena sighed. 

"I know,  but we need to remind you of who Klaus is." Bonnie said. Caroline gave a disapproving look as someone scooted next to me. 

"Well this should be good." I heard the person say. I looked and it was Klaus. 

"I can tell you that, but it will make your friends here gag." He joked. Elena and Bonnie rolled their eyes as me and Caroline giggled. 

"Please do Klaus." Elena said.

"Well, I am an original hybrid that can only die one way, but if I die all of you die, I have made some horrible decisions, and killed the best of people, but I am also the man that has changed because he loves you." He stated kissing me. Elena and Bonnie role their eyes and Caroline gagged. I laughed against his lips and he did too. 

"Well, I have had my dose of cheesy lies for today." Bonnie joked. 

"If you believe anything I ever say, believe me when I say I love Juliet." He said putting his arm around me. I blushed and hid my face behind my hands. I could tell that Klaus smirked at my reaction. 

"Okay then.... Klaus, you didn't have to invade out conversation."Elena said rudely. 

"But he can." Caroline smiled at me. 

"Thank you Caroline." I thanked smiling at her. 

"I'm leaving." I stated standing up after Klaus. 

"Where are you going to go?" Caroline asked. 

"You don't want to know." I laughed dragging Klaus out of the grill and to his house. Once we arrived I walked in. 

"Honey I'm home!" I yelled. I heard Klaus chuckle behind me and he kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he sped us up to his room. He laid me on his bed and soon he was hovering over me. He pulled away and started kissing down my neck. I think you can guess what happens next.

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