Chapter 5 Malfoy

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Draco 2 August 2017

It wasn't hard to get my tired bride - though it's obvious she doesn't remember that - to have lunch with me and go for a drive to see Luna. I look over to her, as she's looking out the window absentmindedly, with a wave of happiness that I don't think I have ever felt.

Certainly not with Astoria. But that is not a pretty picture in the slightest from the beginning. The only good thing that came out of our marriage was our son.

"Granger, how are your kids? You have a daughter going to Hogwarts this year, right?"
"Rose, yes. We all agree she's going into Gryffindor, like well almost everyone." She smiled. "She's the kind of kid that makes the whole family proud." She glanced my way,
"Yeah, being a Granger and Weasley both, she is bound to be like you." He looked quickly over at the passenger seat, "what about the boy?"
"Hugo. We've got a bit with him. He's, well, very much Ron's son."

I chucked. 'Of course he is.' I think.

"What about you Draco?"
"One son Scorpius. He's a better, more understanding, version of me. He'll give Rose a run this next year. And let her know, if he gets out of line to tell me. He knows he's not allowed to pick on others, especially due to their - um - status."
"I don't think you'll have any problems with him Malfoy. Where do you think he'll be sorted?"
"Really? Is there any question?" I laugh.
"You never know, Malfoy."
"Yeah," I feel down when I think about what is coming out of my mouth next, "there are some things you really can't change though Granger. I just hope his house doesn't see him as the Malfoys of old, but more his own person."
"They will, give them time." She patted my hand gently. I couldn't help but smile, not smirk but a genuine smile at this one small gesture.
"Close your eyes, get some rest. We have a long drive ahead of us." I push a couple of buttons on the console and some gentle, quiet music comes on. "If you need, I can log you in to the wifi in the car."
"No. I think I'll rest. Thanks."

Out of the corner of my eye I see her look out in the distance with a slight smile brightening her tired eyes.
Push a couple more buttons and my phone is connected to the car's bluetooth, just in case.

Half way-ish I hear my cell go off. Looking at the console it's Blaise.

"What did you get mate?"
"Well I talked to Potter for you."
I chuckle, "Um I have a guest right now, she's asleep but I don't think she'd appreciate knowing the details of you contacting her best friend on my behalf."
"I just gave him your number. If he calls it's on you to be your slick self around her."
"Thanks mate."
"What have I missed that she's asleep?"
"I went to the World Cup meeting in lieu of Simpson. He caught something and I sent him home. Then we had lunch. Trini will scream when she sees the bill. Have her put it on my personal account. Even though it was a business-ish meeting."
"What the hell did Simpson catch that you sent him home?"
"Nothing really, I just took it off his duties for awhile." I couldn't help the smirk that came out when I looked to the beautiful witch next to me. "I needed an excuse to be in that meeting. He can still do a lot of the legwork, just keep me fully apprised of everything. As long as he doesn't allow the tents to look as bad as they did last time. Astoria had a meltdown."
I listen to him on the other end laughing. "Does she know about you and Astoria?"
"She asked and I was honest that our divorce was finalized 6 months ago. So yeah."
"And that she still lives in the manor?"
"That I left out. But it really is for Scorp more than anything. Plus, let's be honest, I'm in London more than the manor." I pause getting tired of his third degree inquisition. "How's Zabini baby watch?"
"She hasn't moved yet. I am going to her appointment tomorrow."
"Tell her to get that kiddo out, I can't wait to be a godfather." I remember something, "also when you talk to Potter next, have him set a time when I'm back to meet with Teddy."
"Teddy? Who's Teddy?"
"Teddy Lupin. My late cousin Dora's son."
"Why would Potter set that up?"
"Teddy is his godson. He grew up as a Potter."
"Oh joy... a Black family member raised by a Potter."
"Hell if Sirius didn't end up in Azkaban, Potter would have been raised by a Black."
"You can't call that nutter cousin of yours a real Black."
"He wasn't a nutter, but he's as much of a Black as I am. He was still mother's cousin. And ultimately on the right side. Honestly the rest of the family - especially Bella - are the nutters."
"She's having an influence on you Draco." I look over knowing exactly who he's talking about.
"So off my personal life, anything I should know about at HQ?"
"Board was pissed about you missing the meeting, nothing I couldn't handle."
"Tell them I'm taking a very public role in our participation in the World Cup. An email will suffice. Tell them it is good PR for the company."
"I can work with that. I'll run it by PR and maybe even a press release."
"No press releases yet. Tell the board that I want this to be an honest attempt and having it go to the press this early will make it look insincere. But you know the real reasons. I don't want any of this getting out, not now. Remember she's still tapped for Minister."
"I'll bite my tongue then. I'll run it by Trini."
"Oh hell. She doesn't know. Give her the basics only, not the real reason." There's going to be some explaining to her. More than to Blaise, more than to Astoria. I'd better be prepared to be cursed or at least rubber banded.
"That is on you. I'm bringing popcorn." Blaise was laughing, I know.
"Yeah, I gotta go, you still have work to do before you go on paternity leave." I say with a laugh.
"I have to work so you can have a vacation. Or should I say honeymoon?"
"Shut it Blaise." I hang up and put some more lively music on as we go through the jungle here to see her friend Luna.

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