Chapter 6 Weasley

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Hermione 2 August 2017

I honestly felt so relaxed and safe having Dra- Malfoy drive. Lunch was genuinely enjoyable, he has great taste in everything. The wine, oh I didn't get the name, I need some sent out as gifts this year.
He let me take a nap on the road. He didn't push or anything, and in no time between the gentle lull of the SUV, and the music he had in the background, my eyes drifted off.

My dream on the other hand, surprised even me.

It was at an outside cafe at night. I was sipping some coffee, strong coffee, by myself. Dra-Malfoy approaches and is shocked to see me, alone and somewhat melancholy. He joins me and we talk. And I cry. And I tell him everything from the last few months. He listens, just holding my hand, stroking the top of it with his thumb. It is so calming and strong. We talk late into the night, sharing a bottle of wine. It wasn't the same that we drank today, but it was amazing in it's own right.
But I tell him everything, how we had to bury an empty coffin since Ron was on a mission when he disappeared. Now he's presumed dead and I'm playing a single mum and trying to balance my additional workload too.
I know I lost it more than once.
I know I kissed him more than once. Toe curling kisses that made me only want to kiss him more.
I know we ran off and got married.
But it was all a dream I keep telling myself. Only a dream. Right?

Luna is amazing as usual. Quirky but amazing. She starts to show me the grounds and in her own way blurts out, "So how are you and Draco?"
"Excuse me?" I was taken back at the question.
"Draco. Draco Malfoy. That handsome man still in my office. How is your relationship with him going?"
"Uh no relationship."
"Really. Hmmm. Surprising." The only way that I can describe Luna's intonation is breezy. She said 'surprising' as if a bird had flown by and whispered something in her ear. Like the dream that I just had.
"What do you mean Luna?"
"You know he gave us a grant to start this. It's probably how he knows how to get here so easily. When we opened, he insisted on throwing a grand party. Lots of Ministry officials, lots of rich people, it was very advantageous for us. But his wife was there, and she seemed... how should I say it... put out at his lack of undivided attention." She looked at me, in a piercing way that only Luna could, "you he doesn't. All his attention is on you. You bring a light into his eyes. It is the sun breaking through the clouds after a cold heavy rain."

Damn that was descriptive. And now that I think about it, pretty spot on. "Luna I want to talk" I feel my phone vibrate. It's Harry. "Give me a minute please."

Harry: Hermione, what the hell is going on? Zabini was in my office telling me to call Malfoy. Now I find out you're working details on the hemi-finals with him. Where are you? I can get there today. I already cleared my calendar.
I laugh at his concern that borders paranoia. He is the overly protective brother I never got until we met at school.
Me: Harry I'm fine. Draco drove me out here. Nothing scandalous. Yes he's working on the hemi-finals. Again NOTHING.
There's a defined pause. Luna and I are about to discuss a couple of safety measures that came to my attention when.
Harry: What really happened during the meeting? Be honest 'Mione.
How did he? I look up and Malfoy is looking at his phone. He must have said something. I sighed, my shoulders and lips slumping down. I know exactly what he's talking about.
Me: My mind wandered to Ron.
Harry: He noticed. He just told me.
Me: I'll be fine. Honestly.
Harry: 'Mione, he has bettered himself, but I still don't trust him. He's actually working with a few of the Magical Law Enforcement departments on cleaning up corruption, pretty much everywhere including his own company. But I don't trust him. Personally I think it's half for show.
Me: I got it. Watch my back. If anything gets the slightest shady, I'll let you know. You'll probably send half the aurors to my rescue.
Harry: Screw the aurors, I'll send the Weasleys.
Me: Lord help him in that case. :)

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