Chapter 27 Malfoy

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Draco 21 August 2017

Last night went better than expected I think. Rose asked a great deal of questions. Hugo, well he wants his dad back terribly, and feels like I'm replacing him. Scorp was pretty silent on the measure until we got home and it was the two of us.

"Okay dad, dish. You and Rose's mum, how long have you two been together?"
"Since the beginning of the month."
"No, not how long have you been married. How long were you dating?"
"That's the thing son, we weren't. We hadn't seen each other in years. We saw each other in Rio, talked all night and realized there was a spark that neither of us knew about before. We were impulsive - something I don't recommend for Malfoys in general - and we eloped that night. I woke up next to her the next morning and realized that it was what I had been missing my whole life. So much was right in general, but there was something missing. She was it."
"Dad, you do realize how cheesy that sounds. The whole 'lost love found' cliche'. It is a bad chick flick in the making." My dear son collapsed on the living room couch, throwing his feet over the armrest. The rest of the flat was empty, which felt weird - like something was missing. It had always been the two of us at most here, but there lacked a warmth. It was very muscular, urban, contemporary. The couches were all black leather and metal. The coffee table matched in glass and a simple metal oval frame. The three side chairs surrounding the hearth and - above it, hidden by some random black and white abstract art piece - a telly. The vaulted walls of glass showed the whole city below. It fit me, up until this month.

"Yeah I know. But kiddo, it's the truth. I love you mother, but she was never 'the one'. Even she knew it. When I told her the other day, she knew exactly who I married. She didn't ask, she knew. Son, I don't know what else to say, but I hope you find that kind of love." I went to the adjacent kitchen, also very urban feel with the onyx counters and matching glazed black cabinetry, and pulled out a Muggle beer from the fridge.
"Okay, I'll bite. So are we moving or are they? Because I don't think I want to share a room with Hugo and there aren't that many bedrooms here in the loft." He's right, above us were four bedrooms - one of them that was always designated as my at home office.
"I got a house for us all. You'll each have your own room. I am thinking about putting something on so that I know when you sneak out of yours. Like a alarm or something."
"For what dad? I mean really. Why?"
"To talk to Rose."
"No dad. It is kinda weird now that she's kinda my sister and all. Wait, does that mean I have to help Al and keep boys away from her? That's what James said he had to do."
"Only if you don't think they're right for her."
"No one will be right for her dad. I know it."

That's because you're in love with her son, and don't know it yet. Wait until all the Weasleys come down on you for falling for their Rose.

Now that the kids know, and some of the family, we think it is semi-safe to be in public as 'friends'. Yesterday was the Potters for dinner. Tonight it is us for the first time as a family together for dinner, after lunch with the Zabinis. I owe Blaise and we need to break the news to Pansy. Oh lordy Pansy... At least she'll have the baby to keep her occupied. Unless she hands her off to me and then I'm doomed. That little puggy has me wrapped around her finger worse than any of her sisters. I don't know why... she just does.

"Okay son, do you have your supply list? Not like Rosie won't have hers, and Al won't have one also. Three of you, all together. When I was in school there was the Golden Trio - Harry, Hermione and Ron - and the 'Silver Trio' the Slytherin side as we called ourselves - Pansy, Blaise, and I. Now that I think about it both groups had two members marry each other. Never thought of that until now."
"But dad, now you're married to a member of the Golden Trio. What does that make you both?"
"The biggest power couple in the Wizarding World son: she has the Ministry; I have business." If my reputation doesn't ruin it for her.
"Hmmm that could be interesting." I see the cogs turn in his head.
"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, what in bloody hell are you thinking?"
"How much Al and I can get away with. I mean he swears he can get away with the Avadra because his dad is the Chosen One and saved the whole bloody world. Now my step mum and dad pretty much either run it or own it."

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