Chapter 30 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 23 August 2017

Last night we did the final Weasley move in. I thought there would be a few broken items before the night was over, but instead the women sat in the dining room and kitchen and the men were in the living room drinking firewhiskey like old friends, while the kids found quiet in the upstairs. Scorpius played his guitar and sang gaining instant popularity, Rose relaxed and chatted up about the excitement she felt for the next term, and Hugo had the chill room. It almost feels like we have the different houses represented already under this roof: Scorp being Slytherin, Rose Gryffindor, and Hugo Hufflepuff.

My husband was accepted by them. It took a lot of convincing, and Ginny threatened more than one of her brothers, but it happened.

Now we are just waiting for the hell to come down on us from the rest of the Wizarding World.

"Kids, I am off early today."
My husband coughs as he tries to sip his coffee and read the paper. "Love, you're not early, you're on time."
"I was distracted."
"You're easily distract darling. I'm not claiming to mind or anything."
"Draco, behave" I already know he is. After another night and morning filled with intense pleasure of the carnal and just curl up in his hot sweaty arms type, I know he's behaving.
Looking back at his paper, he nonchalantly comments, "Kingsley wanted an invite over, preferably before the kids are off to school."
"I might be able to... I'll check with Rebecca."
"Well we know the house can fit, what did we have last night? 50 ish people?"
"Funny darling. It wasn't that many. I don't think there are that many."
"Love, we had 20 for lunch the other day. This was double that, if not more."
"Welcome to the family?" I say timidly. Both of us being only children and are now thrown into this family, well it's intimidating for an outsider. I at least had school to acclimate to it. I am throwing him into the deep end of the Weasley pool. He held his own, with Harry, Ginny and my helped.

I don't think I can get the mental picture of us standing on the stairs last night, after Harry and Draco had a private talk outside. He had just came in, took my hand and kissed it and went to the stairs.

"Greetings Weasley family and welcome to our home," he began. Even my face saw the shock at his forthrightness. "You're probably wondering what this is all about. Well, it is about time you are informed of our secret. It is almost as bad as any secret that Hogwarts had." He looked at me and smiled, that smile that warms my heart. His eyes were a warm grey, the color that wraps me in comfort and love. "Hermione and I eloped when we were in Rio, three weeks ago. We are keeping this out of the press, and trying to keep it to immediate friends and family. And to be honest, this was the one announcement that scared me more than hugging a nose-less Dark Lord. I know how close you all are with Hermione and you only want the best for her, and I promise to each of you, that I will do all in my power to keep her heart safe as well as her body, I already love Rose and Hugo, and - well - right now I didn't think I would make it this far in my little speech without someone trying to hex me." He looked a little stumped as he ran his fingers through his hair.

That had a few members of the family laughing.

George was the first to speak, "So at Rosie's party, when 'Mione was hanging onto you and by your side, I wasn't seeing things. See Bill, Charlie I was RIGHT! Something was going on between them. Pay up."

Bill looks at his brother, handing over the money.

Charlie protested, "you said they were sleeping together or maybe dating. Not that they were married."
George choked, "do you really expect them to be married and not sleeping together? Pay up bro." Causing Charlie to reach in and hand over the money.
"Welcome to the Weasleys, they bet on who the first one to get drunk is and who is sleeping on the couch that night," Ginny explained to him.
Not missing a step, Draco picked up, "So George, I think you still owe me from the TriWizards tournament. You never paid up on that someone would die."
"Cause you said Harry would die. Not that someone would die."
"Ok, let's call it a push then," he teases. I think he is going to be fine.

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