Chapter 19 Malfoy

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Draco 13 August 2017

I'm not a patient man. Never have been, nor have I ever implied that I am. This waiting around until the right time to extract my wife and my top aid was killing me.

We did get Tony to be integrated into this morons circle, and I must say he's a quick learner. Theo and I have been giving him personalized instructions on how the Dark side works, some ins and outs, and what to say to whom.

What we have been waiting for is to know the morons grand scheme. With me as his top wizarding advisor, I have been able to get a great deal out.

What I'm worried about is where are the wands that belong to the ladies? The moron seems to think, Hermione's talent comes from her wand since she is a simple female muggleborn. Two strikes against her. I try and convince him that I wish that was the case, because my homelife would have been a lot easier when I was in school and came up second to her in practically everything.

But this guy has no real scheme, no plan, no foresight (hello Potter, I have found your equal on the opposite side!). I try to give him some direction, based on my previous experience with the Dark Lord. But luckily this guy isn't interested in killing people and creating horcruxes, just creating a state of anarchy. I try to understand why, all he can tell me is that it is time for a change and that wizards need to be in control. So creating a state of anarchy, where fear is the driving force, he is going to replace the government with one that can create a sense of stability and power in the region.

Wow. Sounds familiar. Like when Voldemort took over the Ministry. But he wants to do it for the Muggles.

This makes our Ministry officials be on edge. And the surrounding Ministries follow suit. Since Britain has the most recent and terrifying dealings with a monster like him, everyone is pulled in. Including me. I am now sitting in on top level briefings, meetings, negotiations (I am so glad that I don't have to work within the confines of a Ministry), and other events. I even throw a small gathering of pivotal members of inner circle and some of the neighboring ministries, throwing ideas that this would be beneficial for many of the nations to follow suit.

I came home and vomited. I looked at one of the few pictures I have of the two of us and promised her silently that she will be home soon.

I need to focus on some good things: our future for starters. Ginny is planning a family get together with all of her brothers - except the one - and the children after our private family dinner to announce what happened. She wants it at their home, so it doesn't seem too frightening, and under the auspices of having Hermione home. I am keeping in close contact with her to let her know how Hermione is doing and get information on Rose and Hugo for her.

Our acquisitions department has already found the perfect home for me to move into, since I say the loft seems too rigid. I needed something with a yard and garden that we can entertain and for Padfoot, a bunch of bedrooms, a dining area that can be used to entertain or just feed all the Weasleys (like for Rose or Hugo's birthdays), a kitchen that I probably could live in, its light and airy even with a sunroom and office for Hermione. Its close enough to the Ministry that she can go in at a moments notice and still close enough to my work for me. It really was the perfect place. I already had our design team get to work on it so when we get back, it will be move in ready for the whole family in creams, light blues, yellows and greens.

Now I just need to get her home.

Another day of waiting passes and at least today I got to see her. I held her as she fell asleep, telling her the that I love her and that we will get her out and home soon. But she needed to eat, because I could tell she was weak. But she needed me. I needed her too. I need her now. I whispered to her what I was planning on doing when we get home, she isn't going to leave the bedroom until she is up to it. I will get her breakfast, lunch, and supper in bed. I will bring her a stack of books, even going to the Muggle library to get her something new to read regularly. She wont need to lift a finger. I told her of our new home, of the party Ginny's planning. And I told her I love her. I told her over and over. I told her she's the most important thing in this world to me, she and Scorpius. I would lay down my life for either of them without thinking twice. I told her not to worry about me tomorrow, I will be waiting for her to bring her home. I also told her it is going to be less than a week before we all get together and sit down to dinner and tell the kids so she has to get stronger by then.

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