Chapter 32 Malfoy

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Draco 25 August 2017

"We tell the kids. Everything has changed. Again." I look between my wife and her best friend. I feel terrible for Rosie and Hugo. And Scorpius. He's going to have to be there for his new siblings. How do I tell my son that he needs to be there for them? He's been an only child for his life, like me, and now he has a brother and sister and they need him.
The pain in my chest is the hurt I feel for all those I love. And it seems like they all are hurting right now, whether they know it yet or not.
"Let's get the kids and Ginny together. Take an early lunch. I have an idea... but it is a stretch. We can do a picnic, there's a place I know that isn't too far. We can have the place to ourselves."
"Sounds lovely darling. I'll go home and get Ginny and the kids ready. Harry, go to work. Let them know we both will be out today. Draco, you get everything ready." She looks defeated. "It's going to be a long day."
"I have to stop by the office too, darling. Let Blaise know what's going on. And I'll get the other department working on that thing we discussed..." I wink at her. Anything to get that beautiful smile to return.
She just nods, no smile on her face. "See you at the house in 30 minutes or so?"
"Sure love. See you soon." I kiss her cheek. "I love you beautiful." Her eyes are sad and cold. Not the bright sunny honey color that sparkles when she laughs. Trying to keep my spirits up, for her, I smile and apparate to work.

"BLAISE! We're fucked."
Trini comes running out. "Aw shit, there is fucked then there is that face of 'we're fucked'."
"Trini he's in his office right?" She nods. I nod my head in that direction saying that she should follow. Holding the door open for her, I shut it behind us and cast a muffling spell.
"Pans, love I have to go. Draco and Trini are here and it looks bad."
"No. Pansy needs to hear this too." I whisper.
"Nevermind baby, you're going on speaker phone. What happened Draco?"
"Ronald fucking Weasley happened." I flop into one of the two arm chairs in front of his desk, motioning to Trini to take the other.
"Don't get me started on that douche bag Draco! If I see him" Pansy starts ranting.
"Pans, you'll get your chance. He just showed back up."

Trini looked like she was going to draw her wand and castrate him. Blaise was in shock. Pans was probably the most surprising, because for once she was quiet.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, explain." I hear her on the speaker.
"Ron showed up at the Ministry today I guess. Potter drug me into 'Mione's office this morning but then we went to her old place. The bedroom was trashed. Weasel did it. I've been dealing with him since then. 'Mione is pissed... sad... upset. Oh and that's not the worst."
It's Trini's turn. "What is worse than leaving your family for so long only to 'reappear'. What is his shit ass excuse."
"He has a baby. A daughter."

I see Blaise hit silence on the speakerphone. He knows his wife all too well, and so do I. She is probably screaming her head off. It'll take about 5 or so minutes for her to calm down.

Trini leaves the office. It took her a couple of minutes before she came back, with 2 large bottles of the good firewhiskey and 3 glasses. "We're going to need this."

Blaise is just in shock. Complete and utter shock.

I am left speechless. And sore. Only now do the blows hurt.

"None for me Trini. I need my head on straight, we are telling the kids. Trini, I need Scorpius to get to the house. He was going to the Manor right now. Have him bring the stuff he needs for school and his broom. Tell him I say it's okay. He'll know something is wrong, but don't let on.
"Also," I continue, "we are moving up the wedding announcement party date. We need the planning team to get with Ginny Potter and Hermione this week to set it up. We want a date on the books before the kids go to school. And it needs to be before Halloween I think. Coordinate with Minerva McGonagall, since we are taking out the Weasleys, Potters, and Scorpius. Or about a quarter of the school.
"Finally, I need Theo at the house. Throw every charm he has on it. And maybe a security team member too. And one at Hermione's old house. Weasel's already broken in and trashed it, but I don't want any more destruction.
"We are telling the kids at lunch today what happened. I'll need a portkey for them to go to the beach house. Oh I need to call downstairs and get some food together for us all."
Blaise hits the speaker button on the phone. We hear Pansy still ranting. "Sorry, thought it was safe." As he turns off the speaker again.
"I'll take care of everything Draco. If Hermione needs anything, have her call me. Even if it is a shoulder."
"I will, oh and just so you know, I called down to PR earlier. They are going to keep as much out of the press as possible. But it's going to be hard when one of the Golden Trio returns from the dead with a new kid that isn't his wife's." Trini nods, still visibly upset. She pours herself a glass of firewhiskey and gets to work.
Blaise looks down at the phone. "Aw fuck. She hung up." He sighs. "What do you need from me? You seem to have everything under control."
I start laughing. "Really? This is under control mate? I am just trying to take as much stress off my wife as possible." I look at the firewhiskey. Damn, I do need one. So far this day has been long, and it is just starting. "Honestly, I need my best friend. I can't get over the weasel. He has a set for sure. Titanium balls. He left her. He left her for a pregnant mistress. He left Hermione Granger for a fucking mistress that he didn't have the sense enough to not get pregnant! And his kids. His two amazing kids. He left them hurting." I take a long drink of the warming liquid. "Then he got pissed at me. ME?! The guy who helped pick up the pieces that he made. The guy that helped rescue Hermione. He didn't even acknowledge that she had been kidnapped. Now he has another daughter. And do you believe he didn't acknowledge that he already had a daughter? Oh his excuse for not being at her birthday party the other day? The baby was sick! Poor Rosie. Poor Hugo. They have such a douchebag for a father. And I thought Lucius was a crappy father. Remind me to send him a father's day present next year. Something along the lines of 'you're no father of the year, but you're better than the weasel'.

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