Chapter 31 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 25 August 2017

Draco did good. Every time I wake up here, in our house, next to him I feel blessed. The sun shines in, and the birds are singing, the kids - well there is some adjustment there - but all in all they are happy and healthy.

If you had asked me this a month ago, I was in a very different place.
Then it was living in the shadow of a husband I thought was dead. It was seeing his ghost in every corner of the house. His smile, though shallow and holding an emptiness, was missing where it used to always reside. The kids were feeling the tension, the pain. Their father, their protector, was gone and no one knew where.

Now I know the real pain behind the story. For their security, they still don't know. One day I will have to tell them, but the words - I can't find the words.

Then I look at the man next to me. He has done nothing short of the impossible for my family and I. Our family. He brought me home, at great expense to himself. He seems to love and dote on all the kids equally. His surprise for Rosie's birthday - making sure to get me out - was nothing short of perfect for both of us. Then he presented her with the necklace. I think we both were choked up about that. I haven't told her the secret to the necklace, but before she leaves on the train - in a week, my baby is going to Hogwarts - I will tell her. All she knows is that it is to keep her safe.

Everything this month has flown by. Highs and lows. But so far, we are still living on a big high. I've had lunch with Pansy Zabini, okay those are words I never expected to hear myself think, a few times and I must admit, her little girl is adorable. She actually asked me to be her godmother, which took me off guard. Her other children are real hand fulls but this one, there's something about her, something knowing behind her eyes, it makes you have an instant attraction. 

Draco has been good when it comes to keeping work professional. He does stop by on occasion, when he's at the Ministry for his own business. There have been flowers delivered, but nothing on the card would imply anything non-professional. Actually it read 'thank you for your assistance with the hemi-finals. Malfoy Industries'. Now that is blah as they come. But knowing that each flower has it's own meaning, this bouquet said thank you in a much more personal and caring manner.

He did offer to take me to lunch to discuss an upcoming project that Malfoy Industries was about to take on, but I had to decline. Before he left though he told me that I had better not skip lunch since he saw that my breakfast was still in my purse behind me.

Would it be bad of me to want to wake up my husband a little earlier today, since the kids are still asleep? No. I giggle and I see him stirring. "Good morning handsome" I say before kissing him into complete and total rapture.
"Darling you're going to be late," he calls from downstairs. "Breakfast and your coffee are waiting."
"Sorry love. I was just being your needy new bride this morning." My smile is undeniable. This whole 'morning sex' is mind boggling.
"You can be as needy as you want, my love, I just don't want the Minister thinking I've kidnapped you. Or worse, Potter."
I have to swat him for that comment. "Harry wouldn't."
"He tried once already. Or is your sweet memory lapsing?" He leans down, "too much sex on the brain not letting you focus like you should dear?"
"You don't want to go there love," I swat his arm. "Oh is there anything else we needed to move in? Or get the kids for school?"
"School is done. Rose says she's already packed. I know Scorp will leave it until the night before and then beg me to help. I know he still has a few things at the Manor he wanted to bring. He wants me to cave and have him bring his broom, but not this year. I told him next year he can try out for quidditch. But knowing him..." I hear his voice trail. Scorpius is a Malfoy and is stubborn like his father, so I don't doubt that he not only will try out for the house team but he will also be on it.
"What about your flat? Or our house, I still don't know what to do with it."
"I have the flat still ready for work parties, hosting guests, and such. But nothing really more. Your house, well if you want to put it up for rent or anything. It's up to you."
"Let me think on it. I still don't know. There are memories there - good and well, not so good." I really do need to come to a decision on this, but I don't know. Too many open wounds still. "You though, off. You can't be late either."
"Darling, that is the joy of being the boss. I'm never late." His arm is around my waist and his other hand is lifting my chin. "Thank you. For everything." Damn the man has a sensual side, just his 'thank you' is a turn on. Especially when it should be me saying thank you for this morning. And last night. And most likely tonight.
"Shut it Draco, before the kids hear."
"I think they did already this morning," he chuckles. "To them, your - um - vocalizations, might just be worse than that bloody air raid siren you have for an alarm clock."
"You can't say that you were quiet Mr Malfoy. The 'Oh bloody Merlin 'Mione, yes' kinda echoed."
He was blushing. "What can I say, my bride is perfect in every way." He kissed me and pinched my arse. "Now off with you. I'll get the kids going before I go off to work. Ginny is expecting them."
"Draco Lucius Malfoy as Mr Mum. Who would have thought." I teased one last time before grabbing his heavenly arse and going towards the fireplace. "Don't miss me too much today darling."

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