Chapter 16 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 7 August 2017

Trini looks at me. "Are you okay?" We are tied up my legs and hands bound together as I am kneeling in a dark corner, without our wands.
"Yeah. I'm not hurt if that's what you mean."
"He'll come for you."
"I know. It will be weird. Harry and him on the same side for once."
She looks at me with grave concern. "If anything happens to me, take off my anklet and get out of here."
"What?" I am in utter bewilderment.
"My anklet. Unhook it and get out of here. It will take you somewhere safe. Somewhere he will find you."

I just nod. She is trying to protect me. When did I get so important? I am the war heroine. I should be protecting her.

"He loves you. More than anything. He'll move heaven and earth for you."
"I know. I feel the same. I never knew it was him. I am just glad to have found him now."
She smiles. "Hold on to those happy thoughts, but shut them away from anyone else. Oh and don't be surprised if he puts you through some abduction prevention training when you get back. It is quite intensive, but it's kept us safe so far."
I look over at her. "Is this the first time?" She nods. "Are you scared?" She shakes her head. "Why?"
"Because I know him. He would do this for the mailroom clerk if it was needed. But I have you next to me. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the security team isn't coming with him. We have backups for our backups." She looks at me with a sly smile, "The only thing no one prepared for was you Mrs Weasley."

Exhaustion takes over my body, again. I have no idea what is day or night, how long I've been here or what is going on around us. I don't know if I close my eyes, if I fall asleep or just blink. Nothing is changing. It is just Trini and I here in this dark dank room, forced into the shadows. Finally our captors are back to where we are. I notice one is the attache' to the muggle president. They are speaking in their language so I can't understand them. But I see them looking our way regularly.

My mind focuses on Draco. Trini is right, he'll do anything including fighting Harry, to get here to me. I just don't want him to fall into a dark place to do it.

"Trini, don't let anything happen to him."
She chuckles. "Mrs Weasley, I already promised him that nothing would happen to you."
"But if something does, he's going to fall. And hard. Don't let him."
"Mrs Weasley, there is no avoiding it, no matter how much I want it to. That is why I have to keep you safe. And for your kids. If something happens to him, his son will have his mother. But if something happens to you, your kids will be alone. So you, Mrs Weasley, are the priority."

She's as logical as me! No wonder I like her.

"Then let's figure out a plan."

We keep a very close eye on our captors for I don't know how long, all I know is my knees are sore from being on the stone floor so long. As long as they are here, I have some sense of time. Then I hear a commotion along the wall where we are seated. Two figures clad in dark robes enter the room. There is an air of displeasure with them. They look straight ahead, not saying anything. Then a similarly dressed figure is seen, but he stops over between Trini and I and drops something, just out of reach. It is golden and small, but that is all I can make of it.

"Grab it," Trini instructs. "Our knight has come."

I can't see the man's face as he has already strode to the other end of the dark and dreary room we are in.

It's about the length of the Great Hall at school, but not as bright or cheery. It reminds me of Potions class, implying we're in some type of dungeon or ancient building. There are 6 sizable candle laden chandeliers, each with 6 rows of candles. The ceiling is black, pitch black, even with what little light is cast from the chandeliers. The walls are dark stone, as is the floor where we are situated. It is damp and musty, the shadows cast from the chandeliers remind me of disfigured ghosts dancing on the floors and walls. My eyes strain to see how many people are here, their black robes blending together. Only the Muggles stand out, yet many of them are also in dark suits.

I hear yelling at the other end of the hall, but can't make out what is being said. Before it was hushed tones, trying to make it so that we had no idea where we were or who they were.

I see surprise on Trini's face. Then the one that was yelling, turned and headed our way.

"You are to come with us. NOW!" She is ordered in a very British accent.

I recognized the cloaks and a shiver goes down my spine. They are Death Eater cloaks. Where were those found? I thought the Ministry had confiscated them all. Now there are three standing in front of me.

"Sir... Please no." Trini says with absolute fear in her eyes. She looks like she's going to cry.
"Get on your feet like I told you." The voice, it is almost familiar.

She doesn't move. A slap comes flying towards her and the sound echoes through the chamber. My eyes well up in fear of what is my way. I start having flashbacks to Bellatrix and the torture that came to me. I need to hide my arm, especially if Death Eaters are here. I grab at the golden token, getting it as close to my hand as possible under the scrutiny of the three Death Eaters.

I need to talk to Harry when this is all over. Forget Magical boundaries, if there are Death Eaters in hiding in the South Pacific, for all of Magic we need to get them. And Harry is the best there is.

"Last time, GET UP!" The cloaked man bellows. Instead she slides closer to me, putting her head down. I try to protect her with my body.

He turns to his companions and flees the building. Two of them remind me of Snape, the ways their dark robes are flowing behind them.

When they leave, Trini takes a deep breath.

"Are you okay? How's your cheek? Why didn't you go with them?" My questions may seem mundane, but after what I went through as a teenager....
"We're fine. The one in front is Theo Nott, head of security. One I can only assume is yours?"
I look at her in bewilderment. "What do you mean one is mine?"
"Theo... one of the members wasn't his team, the one that dropped your anklet. I can only assume an auror."
"I don't know... Not one I know at least."
"Probably why they chose him. Smart."
"How is your cheek?" I keep looking at her, this is all so confusing to me.
"He didn't even hit me."
"Oh" I sighed feeling stupid.
"And I didn't go with them as a sign, that you aren't safe. We don't know what is going on yet."
"You've never done this before you said."
"Not in real life, but in simulations annually."
"Get used to it Mrs Weasley. You will subjected to them also. Draco takes our safety very seriously. What is on your anklet by the way?"
I maneuver it so that I can see. "How did you know?"
"I know Draco. He would do something in hopes to keep you safe."
I wiggle it in front of me. "It's my husband's family crest."
She smiles, "the Weasley's have a family crest?"
I smile back, "not to my knowledge" as I stare down at the Malfoy family crest on a simple charm.
"I told you our knight was here. Now let's find out what is really going on."

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