Chapter 12 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 4 August 2017

I know he's awake. I keep my eyes closed, but I know. I feel his breath on my neck and I know he's looking at our pair of scars. I'm more interested on the pair of rings that adorn our fingers.

What would Harry say if he walked in right now? How would I explain everything? Oh bloody hell, what about the Prophet? Draco was afraid that it would be leaked by today's paper.

But right now I don't give a rat's arse. There is a naked, a handsome, amazingly ripped, kind, generous, naked man behind me. One that I can call my husband. I don't want to move, I want to just savor this moment - feeling his body pressed into mine - all over again.

I want to wake up this way every morning. He was amazing last night. He was vulnerable, scared, nervous, excited, intense, passionate... Oh MERLIN! I have never ever made love with anyone like that before, nor do I want to go back. It was something that I never could have, honestly, dreamt of. The moment he took my hand in his, looking down at me in my nightdress, I had no chance. I was his. His eyes soaked me up with an adoration that I had never experienced. I felt like a woman for the first time in over a decade. And he made me feel like a beautiful woman - something I never felt.

Now his right hand is slowly sliding down my right side. He is tempting me to roll over and have a morning as full of pleasure as last night was. I know he has work today, and I have a couple of meetings. Right now, I couldn't care less about them though.

He is still having his fingers trace my body, my naked, scar ridden body. He doesn't seem to care about the scars though. A moan escapes my lips, embarrassing me.

"Good morning my beautiful wife."
"Mmmmm" escapes from my lips.
"You look comfortable."
"Mmm hmm." I am still not able to make a coherent word. I curled up deeper in his arms.
"We both have work today."
"Mmm hmm," I hum not really caring.
"That means we probably should get out of bed at some point."
I just shake my head. "No," I whisper.

His hand is over my naked stomach. Something so inane, with him is so sensual. I feel the butterflies that inhabit there, going mad.

Even the slightest shift in my legs, just to run my skin against his, causes my eyes to roll back.

Did I actually marry this man lying next to me? The way he described it is the exact way I remembered or dreamt or whatever it. Can I have this night after night, for as long as we both shall live? Merlin, I hope so.

Then I get rudely awakened with a terrifying thought, "Um Draco." I try to get out.
"She speaks." I can feel his smile as he gently nibbles my earlobe.
"What about the kids?"

He stops suddenly. I end up biting my bottom lip, because I was hoping he wouldn't stop.

"Hmmm. Well, I have an idea," he more breaths the words into my ear, than say them exactly. "Potter has a dinner planned with my son and I, he suggested that you and the kids come too. Maybe we can gently break the news then."
"Keep if from them for that long?"
"Keep it to ourselves, our own personal," his hands are all over me again, "secret," he breathes. "Our own escape or honeymoon."
"Mmmmm I like that." I moan as I roll over to face my handsome husband again.

When we finally get out of bed, and out of the shower, and out of the closet. Phew if this is what married life - even a honeymoon - is supposed to be like, I was missing out. Greatly. I am tired, sore, and honestly I don't think I can walk in heels today. But that's all I brought on this trip so I'm stuck. But come to find out, there is a handsome gentleman that 'is needed as the MII representative' for two of my meetings today. Now if only I can keep myself composed through them.

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