Chapter 36 Malfoy

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Draco 30 August 2017

I can't think straight. This morning my love looked so broken. I know she's prepared, she's done her research, she's formulated her arguments. Hell she is brighter than any of those dim bulbs on the Wizengamot put together.

Even so, her eyes looked resign to lose.

I tried my best to help her, to encourage her, to let her know this isn't the end.

I know, because I have contacted my attorney and had divorce paperwork drawn up and post dated to July 31st - completely legally of course; and a set for today - if the idiots we'll be sitting in front of don't like the other set, in case we are not able to have the marriage legalized.

I am looking for loopholes; she is looking at the law.

Ladies and Gentlemen - the distinction between Slytherins and Gryffindors in a nutshell.

I knew work would blow. Well get blown off.

Harry, 'Mione, and I had a few hours before the Wizengamot met, so it was suggested that we 'carry on with our day normally.'
Trini's idea of that was to have a glass of firewhiskey (I think she kept the bottle behind her desk so I wouldn't go in drunk), two muggle Advil, and a large cup of coffee all sitting on my desk upon my entry. Yeah, where to start on that.

Blaise had told Trini that he would manage the day, and to only disturb me if 1. Theo contacted or 2. It was time for me to go to the Ministry. Other than that, no one was allowed NEAR my office. Theo was in the Americas searching for Ronald with a number of his contacts. If Theo did contact that could be either he found the rat in his hole or he hadn't and his contacts were no help. And knowing Theo like I do, and the fact he's like a brother to me, he won't be back without the weasel tight in his grasp.

I am constantly worrying about how we are going to keep it out of the press. All the Prophet knows is there is a closed session of the Wizengamot later today regarding a special legal matter.

For that reason, Hermione is going in first because her job can justify her being there; then Harry, again for reasons of his job; and lastly me so if anything the press may think it is a contractual issue with Malfoy Industries. Harry and I argued over it a few times on why would the head auror need to be involved in a contractual dispute in the first place.

He really is the 'clueless one' at times. Even though I do try and give him the benefit of the doubt, it fails me.

Not one of us believed that the fourth person that was summoned to the Wizengamot today would show his face, Ronald. That was another reason that 'the pitbull' Theo (what is him and all the bloody dumb nicknames recently?) said that he would search personally for the weasel. The day that he fled again, he sat down with Molly and Arthur Weasley to see what information they derived, which wasn't much. So he asked if he could use legilimency on them to see what they could have passed over. And he did catch a break - he wasn't in the United States, but rather Canada somewhere. A metropolis with water. So that is where his search began. Again.

I chugged the coffee, took the Advil, and debated on the firewhiskey. That I'll save for later. After the hearing. After I know if the woman I call my wife is - according to the dim bulbs of the Wizengamot - actually my beautiful, brilliant, talented wife now or if I have to wait and have a do-over.

It might not be bad to have a do-over. Maybe have our friends there like they should have initially, have a relatively small ceremony by Malfoy standards (only a hundred or so instead of the close to 2500 people we had at my wedding to Astoria). Then Ginny won't hold it over my head anymore that she didn't get to be the matron of honor this time around. Seriously, she had the honor once already, does she need to repeat it? Yeah, I didn't think so either. We have the 'announcement party' invitations out and we can easily go from announcing our marriage to having one there. It would work. But would I not want to call my Hermione my wife until the 4th of November?

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