Chapter 28 Granger Malfoy

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Hermione 21 August 2017

I think I shut her up. Okay her fears at least. As any mother would, they worry over their children at all times.

Astoria Malfoy was no different. She worries that I will look at her son with the same love and caring as I look at my own children.

I made a vow to her that I would. Nothing like the unbreakable vow, but still I promised her that I will always be there for her son just like I would my own children. I know Slytherins have a different opinion of family, but mine is that of a Gryffindor and we love each other, blood or not. Honestly, some of my closest family is not blood.

I must say, after the cumbersome introductions, the lunch went nicely. Even Hugo made friends with the Zabini children - Fabian and Jadis.
Pansy nudged me more than once when she saw the interactions between our children. And the two of us chatted it up like old friends along with Ginny. I feel like I am in an episode of either Dr Who or the Twilight Zone. Astoria was focused on her son and his excitement for school.

Harry, Blaise and Draco chatted it up they have been close since first year, not only about 2 weeks now. Because Harry walking in on Draco and I in Rio can make any close relationship distant in an instant. If it weren't for Ginny and her informing me of their bedroom antics, I think I would have lost my best friend that day.

After lunch the Zabini family and Astoria left.

"That went better than expected," my husband sounded obliged. "I half expected Pansy to lose it and attempt to hex you. Which just would have ended bad for her - between you and Ginny - she'd be a goner."

I laid my head on his shoulder before we left the semi privacy of the restaurant, "she wouldn't do anything to me while I held here baby. Holding Esme was somewhat of a security measure." His arm went around my shoulder and his head leaned into mine.

"Somewhat?" I see a swirl of colors in his eyes and in the end they held a softness to them. "We are really doing this." It was more a statement than a question. "It's working too. I don't know how I deserve this, but darling, I'm grateful."
"We do have one more hurdle love - the Weasleys. And I may have - um - not given you an out on this one."
Terror strikes his face as suddenly a mask appears that controls all emotional muscle response. "I'm dead. I'm just dead. Well all my affairs are in order, Scorpius will be taken care of. Yeah I'm ready to die."
"You're more dramatic than Harry was when he had to face Voldemort in the forest. When your mother saved him" I remind him that he and his family were not all bad that day. They helped all of us, in their own way. "They're helping me move. I told them that I need some extra hands to help move into our new place and I have all these wonderful brothers in law - well except Percy. He's expecting me at work tomorrow."
"Yeah his tent is going to be a beautiful shade of chartreuse and a mustardy-orange when he goes to any Quidditch World Cup matches. The suck up prat."

We finished the children's school supply shopping, and I have no idea how we did it. Scorpius and Rose both wanted an owl, but Draco and I convinced them that their cell phones would suffice in contacting home. If they needed to contact anyone else, they could use a school owl.

We had the luck of running into the Headmistress herself as we made a second round in Flourish and Botts.

"Some of my new first years, I presume?" the elegantly dressed, as always, McGonagall stated looking over myself to the three 11 year olds running a slight muck throughout the store.
"Ah Minerva, I needed to talk to you about a couple of pending matters," my husband states in his coolest, calmest voice.
"Really Draco, I thought that reviewing the security plan with Theo Nott, we had everything covered."

I look at him and then straight to the floor admiring the excellent craftsmanship that laid the ancient stones we now walk on.

"That and have you seen the addendum? There is an additional student involved." She shakes her head, yet for the life of me I cannot meet her eyes. "Well it is Rose Weasley. Just as a precautionary measure. Now Headmistress, may we talk somewhere a little more private?" as he takes her arm and leads her to the second floor which has much fewer people. "Hermione, come on now. Where is that courage you kept touting for years." I chuckle as a linger behind, slowly following.
"Just keeping an eye on the children Draco." I lie. Flat out lie.
"Yes because their faces are imprinted in the floor tiles," his words may sound stern but his tone was jovial and comical. "Now Headmistress, there is a secret that we need to let you in on. It is closely guarded, as long as we can. But it affects the children you should be aware. And with it we request a favor."
"We? Draco, who are you including in the 'we' you speak?"
"Are you coming Hermione? Sometime today? Please." His eyes show such intense, passionate, caring love. Those eyes that I lose myself in all the time.
"Minerva," I begin, "Draco and I were very lucky to reconnect recently and in a positive manner."
He snorts a laugh. "'Mione, that makes it sound likes we had a cup of tea together." He rolls his eyes overly dramatically. "Minerva, we eloped. We are working to keep it out of the press as much as possible for the children. We are planning an announcement party to let it finally go public, once the children are more accepting and situated in the new chapter of their lives. And we wanted that families involved. I know what a reduction in the student body that would include, so we wanted to talk about possible dates that it would minimize the disruption in the children's schedules."

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