Chapter 23 Malfoy

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Draco 17 August 2017

Tomorrow I am surprising my wife.
Shhhhh don't tell her.
I'm getting a new toy. And it is sweet.
But it is really an excuse to see her.
She's going to Chicago, I'm going to Detroit. I have to pick up my new 'baby'. Something that was recommended to me when we were in Rio.
I'm getting a completely tricked out Dodge Viper in Venom Black. It is this side of a race car.
I am excited.

But Christina in acquisitions will be meeting me in Chicago to look over some properties that we are looking to add to our portfolio.
Also Los Angeles is on the itinerary. But that I'm not going to. Christina has that.

I am more excited about a possible date with my wife in my new toy.

Yesterday was Rosie's birthday and party. She looked beautiful as did her mother. After the party there was a lovely thank you letter that arrived, sending my son directly to his room with a smile on his face and an owl left not much later.

Malfoy men have a thing for Granger women. It seems to have continued on to the next generation. I swear if Granger had sent me an owl, any year really, I would have done the exact same thing. And probably framed it. Even a mundane thank you letter.

Oh well, this will just make Sunday dinner a little more 'special'.
I wonder what my wife is going to say about this?
Oh bloody hell.
This is pure comedy. A comedy of errors.
I probably should say something. I need some liquid luck right now.

"Scorpius Malfoy down here this instant."
"Yeah dad?" Dad. The best sounding word in the dictionary.
"What was that all about? With the inst-owl message? Was it to a Miss Weasley?"

He's blushing. Oh he's blushing. Got him now.

"How did you..."
"How did I know? Son I was a boy once before. I just need to know what I am stepping into. I know her mother," very well if I do say so, "myself."
"I just told her the truth. I was grateful to be invited. It was a lovely party. I look forward to seeing her at school. And..." his voice trailed off.
"Son you wouldn't be a Malfoy if there wasn't more to that letter."
"I told her she was really pretty and gave her my cell phone number." That may have been one word, but don't hold me to it.


"You know you'll see her every day, at meals and in class. She doesn't need your number."
"Well for this week dad. I said maybe we could talk or meet up to get our supplies." His blush gives everything away.
"I met her mum one year at Flourish and Botts. With your grandfather." Not the best memory, but alas father was right, I had been talking about her quite a bit. "And I don't see any problem meeting up with Miss Weasley to get your supplies. Are you willing to reschedule with your mum?"
"She said she doesn't think she can go. She isn't feeling well."
Even though Astoria and I are divorced, everything was civil and even amicable for Scorp's sake. "Anything that I should be concerned about?"
"I don't know dad. She isn't talking much about it. But she is having a harder time getting downstairs for dinner."
"I'll stop by later today to check on her. Do you want to come?"
"Nah, I have a few things to do. I was hoping to have Al Potter come by later if possible."
"Send an owl to his mum. I don't see why not." Ginny probably would like one less boy under her feet, even for an evening.
"I'll do it right away. Are you off to the office dad?"
"I was just heading out. Let me know if the mini-Potter is joining us tonight." I gave him a hug. One that said that I never want him to grow up, or at least not grow up this fast. "I love you son."
"I love you too dad."

Moments later I am striding into the executive suites "Blaise, you here?" I call out, ignoring that his office door is open and there are voices coming out of it.
"Draco, my office, NOW!" he commanded me, as only he and Trini can.
"Yes deary. What did I do now and what flowers will get me out of the doghouse this time? Or is it so bad that jewelry is needed? Anything for my Missus."

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