Chapter 11 Malfoy

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Draco 3 August 2017

Kissing her hand, Merlin knows I want to suck each of her perfectly manicured fingers until she begs, I finish my chardonnay - yes I drink that, it was pretty good too - and go to get ready for dinner.

Where we will talk.

Merlin give me the strength to tell her. Tell her that I love her. Tell her that I'm her husband. To slip her ring, with all that it holds, back on her delicate finger. Tell her that all I have ever wanted, is to be her husband and to love her properly.

I need the strength to tell her that she has been my one and only, she was the one that held my heart when I married Astoria, she was the one that challenges me to be a better man every day. I remember telling her something like that when we eloped, as part of my request for her to marry me.

I want her to remember. It would be so much easier.

But I realize that I slipped this afternoon. I called her 'honey'. *sigh* There are so many things I want to call her, want her to call me. I want us to have pet names for each other, ones that only we understand and can call each other. I wouldn't mind if she even screamed 'ferret' in a passion filled night; I might just start laughing at that though.

My thoughts then drifted to this morning, 'I almost told her. If only I wasn't interrupted.'

Now I have to find that strength again. Knowing that she didn't regret this morning makes it easier. I was ready to take all the blame, hell I'd say that I put her under a love potion if that was what was needed to save her and Potter's friendship.

Instead, Potter and I are becoming amicable. Not friends. I don't know if friends would ever be an apt description, but amicable for the sake of Hermione.

But now, I just have to find my spine.

The car was to arrive at 7:15 and it was now 7:00. Part of me wants to walk across the hall and greet my beauty before the valet. Part of me wants to wait. But all of me agrees that a drink of firewhiskey is needed to calm my nerves.

Trini was up to her tricks again. Which means that Hermione is going to be beautiful. This time, though, I had no hint other than "Gryffindor tonight". Does that mean she will be in a stunning red gown or something golden?

I must admit she looked so relaxed today when I stopped by. I don't know what number drink she was on, but it wasn't a buzzed type of relaxed. More like a 'world has been lifted from my shoulders' relaxed. Something I want to see in her more often.

Though I still say she is cute when she's frazzled.

I adjust my tie again. With Trini's hint, I found a Gieves and Hawkes (a Muggle shop in London where all their elite go) very Gryffindor-style red and gold tie stuck in the back of my trunk. I usually wear my normal black or Slytherin green, I didn't even know I owned a red and gold tie. Someone somewhere is dropping hints. I pair it with a black velvet dinner jacket - something out of my usual style, classic white shirt, and slacks. It is a little more 'colorful' than I'm used to, but anything for my beautiful bride. I adjust my cufflinks - sorry they are still my style, the gold Malfoy crest one - for the third or fourth time tonight.

I am nervous. Nervous about the second date with my wife.

Now I don't know if I'm setting the bar too high, or not. I mean when we do get past this 'oh by the way Hermione love, we eloped' stage, I do plan on continuing to date my wife regularly. I know our schedules won't allow for dates daily, nor will our pocketbooks - though we both are well off, but regularly. Every week. At least. Fridays and Saturdays will be for my lovely wife - even if I have to jump on a jet to get to her. Sundays will be family days.

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