Chapter 33 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 25 August 2017

This is going to be the hardest thing to tell my children. Telling them their father is missing and presumed dead will have been easier than saying that their father left us to start a family with someone else, yet didn't have the decency to say goodbye.

Draco keeps fearing that his cowardice will come through at some point. But it is Ronald that is the true coward. Draco feared for the safety of those he loved. Ronald ran from those he loved and loved him. I have respect for Draco, even in his cowardice. I have none for Ronald, and I married the arse.

Draco pulling me into the kitchen to tell me of the 'baby pool' going on that Ginny started and now has spread to his work is a mood changer. I didn't think of having another baby. Looking at him, slightly stressed over the pressure of it, but leaving the ultimate decision to me... I'm not against it. Like he says, if it happens... Or I can try and make it happen. We can work towards a baby. Hmmm maybe after this whole Ronald thing calms down.

But that is a thought for another day. Right now focus on damage control and the fallout from it.

I see Draco's expression change ever so slightly. I can't put my finger on it. It looks like - maybe - hope. But I don't know.

"Come on kids gather around the portkey." He calls out. The silly portkey is a shoebox. I take a double glance, a Valentino shoe box. Remind me to wear those red Valentinos tomorrow.
"Draco Malfoy, what are you doing with a Valentino shoebox?" I tease to him.
"Probably Pansy's. Oh just so you're aware love, the security department scans our personal trash on occasion to find adequate items for portkeys and to make sure nothing that could be considered scandalous is available to the press. And Theo knows where we're going. I didn't know all exec portkey requests end up on his desk until now."
"That's fine, but I wish I knew where we are going before Theo."
"Our safety is his concern. He probably swept the place already. But you'll be happy with it either way." I sigh, and see the twinkle in his eyes. Yes, there's hope there. "Now dear, we're waiting on you."

I huff as I take the portkey and we all are whisked off to find ourselves on a private beach. "Draco this is perfect."
"I thought so. Private, so we can scream and yell if need be. Quiet so we can talk the matter at hand over. Secluded, so no press is involved."
"Fine, mum, now are you going to tell us what this is about?" my impatient son questions. He has his father's patience level and I dread that it will get him as far as it has Ron.

I wave my wand and the blanket and comes out of the basket Draco was carrying, as well as a couple of umbrellas and a meal fit for a king. Or a table full of Weasleys.

"Let's eat and we'll talk during lunch."

Draco and I look back and forth at each other trying to read each other. Finally he breaks the silence. "Darling do you want me?"
"Please. I..."
"Kids, this hasn't been the easiest month at all," he begins. "I can't imagine what all is going through your heads. But I need you to hear us out before saying anything. Know that we both love you. Actually I feel happier than ever in my life, like it's full. And we won't do anything to change that."
"Well we know her take on the baby pool." Draco laughs. "No she's not. And maybe Rosie, you can talk to your aunt Ginny with your mum about the ridiculous pool she has going." His eyes are calm, a soft warm grey. One that I can get lost in forever. "No... Rosie, Hugo... 'Mione love how much do you really want them to know?"
"Your father is back." I answer for him. "He came back this morning, not in a good mood apparently, because all morning Uncle Harry, Draco and I have been with him. He broke into the old house, looking for us. We found out why he left like he did, which to me isn't a real reason and one I am not sure you want to hear. He is your father and I never want to deny you access to him and his new family I guess we can call them."
"Right now," Draco continued not missing a beat, "he isn't in a good place. He came back to see you off to school Rosie, so we know he cares for you. Hugo, we both want you to talk to him too. We still have a lot of details to work out, and this isn't easy for your mum."
"I don't care, I want to see dad." Hugo actually said.
Of course he does. He idolizes his father. As much as it kills me. "Hugo, right now he needs to calm down, settle down, and get his life somewhat together. But once it is better, you can." I see Draco nod to me. At least he went through a very public divorce and have worked for the best of Scorp. Now I need him to give me guidance on how to proceed with my own children.
"Hugo, neither your mum nor I want to see you mad at your dad or not allow you to see him at all. We know how close you two are. He just has some adult issues to work through with your mum and others before we want you to see him. We don't want you hurt in the process. Once he gets past these issues, you can see him as much as you want."
"Mum" my daughter looks at me with a question poised on her tongue, "you said 'his new family'. What do you mean by that?"
"Mum, doesn't he still love us? Doesn't he want to come home and be a family? What did you do, mum? Why did he leave us?" My son keeps getting louder with every protest.
"Hugo, sit down and take a deep breath now. I don't want to hear from you until you have your emotions in check," I scold. I rarely raise my voice to my children but this, after everything I've gone through already today, is too much for me to handle.
"'Mione, why don't you take a breather too. You've had a hard morning." He reaches for my hand and draws little hearts on the top of it with his finger absentmindedly. I agree and take a walk to the water's edge, letting my toes feel their cleansing saltiness. I hear my husband explaining as much as he can to Hugo, trying to diffuse his anger.

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