Chapter 13 Malfoy

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Draco 5 August 2017

She didn't need me there, she wanted me there. She wanted me to be there to show her friend that she wasn't nutters, that we really are married and in love. She put him in his place, in a way that only she could.

I just sat there proud. Proud of the beautiful, strong warrior that sat next to me and carried my name.

It was, so to say, an exciting dinner. Ginny Potter was crying at the other end of her phone, asking all the girly questions: is he the one?, do you love him?, have you 'made it official' - that one caused my wife to blush profusely and Potter to get nauseated. She also gave me the 'if you hurt her, I won't be afraid to kill your ferret-y arse' speech. Which her husband just replied, 'there will be a line Gin.'

"Honey," I asked when we got back to our - singular - suite, "I know Potter is the Chosen One and all, but he's more like the Clueless One. He does know where babies come from right?" The discussion on our marital affairs made him very uncomfortable.
My beautiful bride was laughing, such a melodic sound, "yes he does. He has three kids of his own remember?"
"I was just wondering, because he seemed a little lost on the mechanisms of the whole thing. I was thinking his wife had gone to the baby Gringotts and took a withdrawal."
"I don't which is creepier," she called from the bathroom, "that image or the idea of my two best friends having sex."
"That's for you to decide." I look over in the corner of the living area, where Padfoot is curled up. There sits my luggage. In the morning I return to London for more-or-less a week, a week without the lovely lady that has stolen my heart. Tonight will be the last night that I can go to sleep with my wife and wake up with her next to me, hopefully in the same state of undress as we woke this morning.

I can't seem to take my eyes off the luggage though. Being away from her, again. This time it feels worse than during any holiday from school or even when we graduated. I had a feeling that she would amount to great things when we left Hogwarts; I was in band-aid mode fixing my life, my family's reputation, and our family business, and in no real place to be in love with someone like Hermione Granger.

Never would I have thought that in Rio she and I would find each other and rekindle any little spark that there was at school. Neither of us knew about that spark when we were there. But looking in her eyes, it was eternal. It was always there. It was just finding it and fanning it into the fire of love that neither of us can deny anymore.

She turns the radio on in the other room, to hear 'I Won't Give Up'. Tonight it is killing me. I will not and cannot give up on her. Ever.

She peeks her head out of the bedroom, I don't even need to look I just know. I turn and take her in my arms holding her like tomorrow is goodbye forever.

My heart is aching just thinking about being away from her, even for a few minutes. I take her and dance around the living room, and it feels like we are walking on clouds.

I don't realize that tears are coming down my cheeks and landing in her hair.

"Draco, please." Her voice is tainted with pain.
I look at her, her tawny eyes, caressing her cheek, "I am terrified it's all a dream. When I get back to London, everything - all of this - would never have happened." I rest her head on my chest, "I want this, have wanted it for so long."
"Draco, it won't. I want this too. I never thought magic like what we have even existed. I didn't know it was you, but I wanted it. I needed this. I need you."

I lift her up and carry to our bed, I will have her remember this night for as long as we are apart.

When I open my eyes in the morning, they start welling up again. 'Mirrors' is playing somewhere in the background. She is the other half of me.

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