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Scorpius Malfoy 4 November 2017

"Come on. I mean you're taking forever. Who the hell are you trying to impress?"

How do I tell him, it's his cousin?

"You have to get out of the bloody bathroom some time" Al Potter complained from the other side of the bathroom door. "Mum didn't take as long as you."

'She's got no one to impress' crosses my mind as I looks in the mirror once again. I'm wearing a tuxedo - something I really don't wear - with a green pocket square. Over it is my black formal cloak emblazoned with the Malfoy family crest. It's already November and the stores have begun to decorate for the holidays, but I don't want to look too much like a Christmas card standing next to Rose. I had heard her talking up her dress for days to all our classmates that would listen. And I listened. I knew her dress was red, strapless, something they picked up on the 'girls day' with aunt Pansy, mum, Miss Trini, and Al's mum - Ginny Potter. I knew it was short, and fun, and she wanted to dance in it. I plan on giving her every opportunity to do so.

"Mate, come on. This is getting old. Hell I'm getting old. Crap! James is done. I'm using that bathroom." My Slytherin dorm mate could be heard running down the hall and slamming the other door shut.

Today, no one seemed to be where they were supposed to be. Mum and Rose are at a nearby hotel. My Mother was too sick to come, so she remained at the Manor. Dad was at 'the Flat' as it is now called.

Hugo, James, Teddy, Al, Lily, and I are all here trying to find a bathroom to get ready in since about noon when I laid claim to this one. Al's been doing everything possible and imaginable to get me out of this bathroom but there is no use. He even contacted my Uncles Blaise and Theo who ended giving me a pep talk about girls.

I shoved them off when they tried to give me 'the talk'. I'm eleven, I have youtube and the internet, I already know these things.

They did try and find out who she was. The only thing they got out of me is that she is coming tonight. Somehow they both just looked at each other, in a silent conversation. When Uncle Theo finally broke, "can't be," as he looked at me. "Our little Scorp is his father's son," as he patted my shoulder.
"I'm going to tell your aunt Pansy. She's going to love this."
"I see a new betting pool in the future. When he asks her out. When he gets punched by her. When she finally gives in. When the family gangs up on him... Mate we can make some money on this."
"Theo, this is Scorp. Let's not put any undue pressure on him." The two of them leaned into each other to 'whisper', "I give him third year. He is way ahead of Draco."
"Sucker punch about spring." Blaise nods in approval as my two 'uncles' both give my jovial hugs and well wishes before going to get ready at their own - well wherever they are getting ready.

Part of me wants to just stay in here, or in a bathroom hiding at the Museum of London, where the party is tonight. I can't believe mum convinced dad to have it there. I've only been a couple times, when I was much younger - like 3 or 4. Mother didn't approve, because there was all the influence that magic held missing from the dioramas. Dad thought it was fun, and he said he learned a lot of the Muggle history in the process. I just remember trying to climb on the neanderthal display - or as dad called it 'Uncle Marcus's 3D family picture'. Usually all big parties like this are held at the flat if Muggles are involved, at the Manor if not, or at Malfoy Industries - where the Christmas party will be this year. Never have we had a party like this, nor have we had a location like this. I am actually excited to see everything and maybe take a stroll with Rose.

And don't get me started on the 'she's your sister thing' or the 'you're a Slytherin and she's a Gryffindor thing'. I have squashed both mentally. She's my step-sister and yes we live in the same house during the holidays, it isn't weird like that. Yes I am a Slytherin like my father before me, as she is a Gryffindor like her mum. I see it working out for our parents. It is really working out for them from our correspondence. And there isn't the house animosity there used to be. And Al - Albus Potter - is also a Slytherin. There is nothing wrong with us according to the Gryffindors now, except when it comes to quidditch.

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