Chapter 9 Malfoy

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Draco 3 August 2017

"POTTER!" I chuckle but it was fitting. "What the hell?"

"I will deal with you later Malfoy. Hermione Jean Granger Weasley, you get dressed. We are going to talk. NOW. I don't care that you're my boss, you need some sense knocked into you right now."

He stormed out of suite.

I look at her and she looks between embarrassed and pissed. I'm deflated, but looking at her I can't help myself. Her eyes bring a smile to my lips. "I'm sorry Hermione. Blame it all on me. He hates me anyways. I don't want you to lose someone as important in your life as Potter over..."
"Over something I wanted as much as you." Her smile was reassuring. "He needs to realize he isn't my brother - since I don't have one, nor is he my father. Don't worry about me." She leaned over and kissed me again.

Damn I love kissing my wife. And she seems to be pretty fond of it too.

While Hermione is outside with Potter (I offered to leave, but she insisted I stay) I get on the floor and play some more with Padfoot. Smirking, I wonder what Potter will think of that.
I don't have to wait long. She comes in and tells me to keep my phone close, because lunch is a go and we'll talk more then. I take her hand, and kiss it as eyes are boring into the back of my head. I watch as half of my heart goes to take on the Magical world.

"What's your issue Potter?"
"For starters she's married."
"Then why did she have to bury an empty coffin? From what she said, you had him declared deceased."
"It was protocol, she doesn't believe it."
"Who are you trying to convince, Potter? Yourself? Because she is trying to heal. Why would her husband leave his family for over 6 months with no contact?" My anger is starting to take over and I have to reel it in.
"I don't know, maybe you have some insight Malfoy? When was the last time you saw your family?"
"I saw Scorpius and Astoria before I came out here if you must know. We have weekly family dinners even though Astoria and I are divorced. Scorpius has rooms at both houses and he can stay at either at his leisure. He was over at mine for 2 weeks before I left. It isn't the perfect situation but we are making it work. Unlike Weasel." The silly dog is has decided my lap is a good pillow, but she's keeping me calm. I give her a funny look. "How long is she supposed to live with a ghost of him? And then throw more work on her." I scratch the dog behind her ears, watching her instead of the hot head pacing in front of me. "I'm completely honest Potter. She would freeze yesterday. She needs someone there for her. I recommended a therapist that Trini knows, but she needs someone."
"Malfoy why the hell do you even care?"
"She's Hermione Granger, the brightest, most talented, beautiful witch of our generation. She's..." stolen my heart years ago, but I can't tell Potter that. "She deserves happiness after everything."
He just stares at me. Or hopefully he's staring at the dog and not me, because it is really uncomfortable. "Malfoy, look at me." I roll my eyes up to him. "Since when?"
I chuckle, "since when what?" I smirk involuntarily.
"How long Malfoy?"
I relax. I know what he's asking. But can I really say when? Do I even know? It's not like a date circled on my calendar or anything. "I don't know. The war. School. Forever. I don't know."
"You were a shit at school." It was both a question and a statement - meant to cut as he reminded me. Like I can forget.
"You live with my father and be in love with someone he despises, and see how you react. I was fighting an internal battle. I've been fighting a battle with my heart and my family forever. She came into my life and challenged everything I believed in and the battle only got worse." I look up from the dog to see Potter's reaction, "you wouldn't understand."
He sighed, "you'd be surprised Malfoy. Where the hell do we go now?"
"Don't say anything to her please."
"Don't tell her that you're in love with her? Have you seen her? She never looked at Ron like that. Ever." I smile crept on his lips, "you make her happy. I just don't want her hurt."
I am irked again, but restrain myself before it turns into full anger. "Then find the Weasel. Give her some real closure."
"I can't. My hands are tied."
"What? The great Harry Potter?" I glared at him. "I call bull. You've given up on him too. And you realize it's for the best for her."
"I'm married to his sister though. His kids are my niece and nephew. I can't give up."
"Then fight!" I yell, probably louder than I intended. "Fucking fight like it's your life on the line. Look for him like you looked for those bloody horcruxes. You had the whole wizarding world against you for part of that. You were on the run. Still you kept going. What's stopping you now?" I pause because I don't think anyone has talked to Potter like this, ever. "Would you like my help? I mean I'm not one of the Golden Trio but..."
"No. Yes. Hell. Let me think about it and talk to my wife."
I genuinely laugh. "Potter, you're whipped."
He looks at me knowingly. "You're one to talk Malfoy."

Potter and I discussed our families, our work, quidditch (I still can't believe he got his wife to stop playing professionally), and just life. It's still strained, there are some things that you just can't get past and the past is one of them, no matter how many times you say "I'm sorry" or "I forgive you".

We agree that for the dinner at his house, I should bring Scorpius and we actually schedule it. He suggested that Hermione, Rose and Hugo join. I can't find a reason for them not, it might make it easier for everyone with the more people there. I think of the differences between Scorpius and Rose; they both will be starting school this year but that is about where it stops. Rose has about a dozen or so family members already in school that are willing to stand up for her. Scorp will only have Teddy, a virtual stranger, and who knows if he will be even civil to my son.

It's weird how intertwined Potter's and my families are, but how different at the same time. If you were booted from the Malfoy/Black family, somehow they ended with Potter's. First mum's cousin Sirius, who is Harry's godfather. Then Teddy, my cousin Nymphadora's son, who is Potter's godson. We've been on the opposite sides for so long, that for my son's sake, I pray we can mend. Otherwise there is a chance that my son will be more alone than I was after the war.

And truth be told, I would like to see my son grow into a man like Potter.
That is until he breaks up my little make out session with my wife, making me chuckle.
"Malfoy, that's an odd ring you're wearing. It isn't your wedding band, right?"
I think about the next words to come out of my mouth before answering. I have to be truthful to Potter. "It isn't my wedding band to Astoria if that's what you mean. It's an heirloom. One that I just recently came in possession of."

Not lying. Not completely telling the truth. I'm not saying it is the wedding band that his best friend slipped onto my finger two nights ago and that only she can remove. And that I will only take it off the night before we have a formal wedding in front of our family and friends.

Look at me, thinking about this already. Hell, I probably will even have Potter standing with me.
Never would that have crossed my mind back at school.

I look down at my phone, never has it been this quiet for this long. "Hmm surprisingly Hermione hasn't texted either of us. She wasn't looking forward to the meeting this morning."
He looked at me confused, "she told you what the meeting was about?"
"Yeah, I mean it isn't a secret is it? And heck my family has been on both sides of the issue."
"Really?" He looked shocked.
"Why do I have a feeling that we are talking about different things here?"
"Because her schedule changed this morning. I only knew about it because I ran into Kingsley before coming."
"What? Well she might not need that third muffin then."
"THIRD muffin? I don't think I've ever seen her finish two." He was laughing.
"The third was to keep her quiet as she said. She stuffed it in her bag."
"She thought it was still the International Magical Secrecy meeting?" I nodded. "Oh that wouldn't have helped. Nothing would have helped." We're both laughing now in agreement.
"How bad is the meeting she's in now?"
"It is about," he went pale, "shit. Malfoy, we gotta go. NOW!"
"What? Potter!" I follow him out of her room, making sure Padfoot doesn't follow. "I gotta grab a couple things," I grab my laptop bag and wallet from my room and race to catch up with Potter who's already waiting at the open elevator. "What is this meeting Potter?"
"It is about aurors crossing international jurisdictions."
"So? I don't follow?"
"We were in America when Ron went missing. We weren't even supposed to be there."
"Tell me she doesn't..."
"She knows." His face was stone cold.

Aw fuck.

I brace myself for my poor wife being broken down again. Luckily she'll have two of us to be there for her this time. I drive, racing through the streets of Rio, to the office that her meetings are being held in. I casually toss my keys to the valet.
"Mr Malfoy, we weren't expecting you," he begins.
"We're here for something different. Someone call Trini and have her hold my calls or forward them to Mr Zabini for the rest of the day."
"Yes sir."
"Come on Potter, keep up."
The poor valet was shocked to see me with Harry Potter rushing in together. "How do you?"
"One of our holdings. We own a big portion of Rio. And I signed off on the meetings to be held here personally." We both grab the next available elevator and I push 3 buttons in sequential order. I turn to Potter. "We have some floors that are not available to Muggle eyes. And that is where all her meetings are scheduled. What are we walking into, honestly."
"I wasn't allowed to come to this meeting because of my involvement in the 'American Issue' as it's been deemed. If she's as bad as you said yesterday, she's going to be in a terrible shape today."

I look down at my watch - she probably has another two hours or so of meetings before getting a break and this isn't going to be good for her psyche. 

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