Chapter 10 Granger

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Hermione 3 August 2017

This is painful. Painful in its entirety. Both physically, mentally, and emotionally. They are discussing my 'late' husband. Directly, and not even taking account that I am sitting here in the room, hearing details for the first time. My husband that has been missing for 8 months. The man we declared dead two months ago. And he did everything wrong. They were blaming my husband and my best friend for over an hour. How they broke magical treaties, how they exposed themselves, and more problems.

From the sound of it, Harry is lucky not to be in Azkaban. But who would send the savior of the Wizarding World to Azkaban. It was his only reprieve.

I was choking back tears before it was over.

The meeting adjourned, and I stepped out of the meeting room to see one of the last two people I wanted to see.

Harry BLOODY Potter.

I attacked him. I had my wand to his throat. The pain burned inside me. I was going to kill the Boy Who Lived. He who killed You Know Who.

And I wasn't going to have any regrets about it.

"WHAT did you do? What exactly took place that night Harry? Harry so help me!" Tears were in a constant flow down my cheeks. My eyes burned. My chest hurt. My knees went weak.

I felt arms, calming and soothing arms, around me. They were strong, having me lower my wand from Harry's throat.

"You killed him Harry. Why? He was your best friend."
"Not now honey, calm down. Come on, look at me." I heard the words come from somewhere and I felt my body be pulled into his. My head fell onto him, too weak to be held up anymore.
"He killed him."
"Shhhh. Let's get you some tea. Come on honey." He kissed my head.

He was everything I needed right now. Right now I trusted him more than I trusted my own best friend. I let my body be guided by his strong arms to the elevator. He didn't let me go when he got out his keys and inserted one into the panel and turned.

I'm numb. I'm numb from the last semblance of myself breaking into pieces and being thrown to every corner of the world. I put all of what was left of me in his care, and I didn't care. Somehow, I knew he had me.

We exited the elevator on what I can only think is the executive suites. "Vivian is my office open?"
"Yes Mr Malfoy," a mousy brunette said from behind a desk. "Is there anything I can get you Mr Malfoy?"
"Tea please, for both of us."
"Of course sir."

He ushered me into a large office and onto a black leather sofa off to the side. I remember falling into it and him pulling me to him.

I was crying again. My fears had been exposed. My wounds opened. The hurt crashed over me like a tsunami, drowning me and then pulling me into the dark abysmal sea of pain.

He kissed every tear away. He held me protectively, like no one had in years. Truth be told, I don't think even in our worst moments of the war, did someone hold me like this. For once I can be completely vulnerable with him.

"I'm sorry."
"No. It isn't you. You didn't do anything."
"Exactly. I was always the coward. I still am."
"No you're not. Draco, you... you are just what I need right now."
"Then I'll be here as long as you need."
The mousy brunette came back in carrying a tray with two tea cups on it. "I hate to bother you Mr Malfoy, but Mr Zabini is on the phone."
"I'll call him back."
"Miss Trini is on her way."
"Thank you Vivian." I could feel his impatience with the young lady.
He waited until his assistant left and then turned his attention solely to me again. "Drink something. Please." Draco handed me a cup of tea.
"How are you so... strong?"
He sighed. "It's because I wasn't when it was needed most. When you needed it most. Now I am trying to - I don't know - redeem myself."

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