Chapter 7 Malfoy

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Draco 2 August 2017

The afternoon was really enjoyable. Luna, well she was Looney Luna. But I was able to manage some of the problems that worried Hermione. She still has some difficulty when handling hard situations with those close to her.
She unofficially met Trini. And she likes her. Which is good, because Trini is as loyal as Hermione. They are really two peas in a pod. When Hermione becomes Minister, she needs her own Trini.
Potter is having me over for dinner. Yeah, I am still not too sure on this one.
If someone said this would happen to me back at Hogwarts, I would have thought you a bloody nutter. But here I am nonetheless.

So I drove Hermione to her hotel - and mine too - and let her get out. I kept my distance and gave her a little space. Plus watching her leave is stunning, she just is stunning from every single angle. But her ass... Merlin! Once I saw her go upstairs, I then handed my keys to the valet and went off to my room.
Trini had made dinner reservations at a rooftop restaurant for just the two of us. As soon as I saw the information, all I could do is shake my head.

"Well there goes any talk of business."

I am downstairs waiting for my date - technically my wife - to come downstairs reviewing some emails from today on my laptop. Nothing critical, but just the day to day business of the President/CEO of an international billion Galleon empire. Then I saw one from Blaise that caught my attention - "Urgent FYEO" was the subject line.
Then she emerged from the elevator. I have never ever seen her so beautiful.
Blaise mate. Sorry. Your priority email is not my priority. The dazzling woman walking my way holds my complete and total attention. I shut my laptop and double check that I'm not drooling on my tux.

She's beaming. It's like she was put in a spotlight. Wow.

"I suppose you had something to do with this?"
I couldn't talk. I just shook my head. Which earned me a 'yeah right' look. "Trini. She did it."
"How did she know my size?"
Oops. "Your tag was sticking out of your shirt, I noticed when I tucked it back in."
Her eyes are so warm and inviting, her hair was done up one one side with stray curls cascading down, reminding me of the Yule Ball. The green compliments her tanned body. The beading make her look insanely tall. And the dress hugs Every. Single. Curve. "You look absolutely stunning. Perfect." I tuck my laptop into it's case and offer my arm. "Oh and don't think I had anything to do with the dinner reservation either. Trini again."
"What?" She chuckled. "Nevermind." She blushed again.

The night has only begun and I already don't want it to end.

The night was perfect, with a beautiful view of the city from the rooftop of one of the tallest office buildings - one of our holdings. Just before the Olympics were awarded to Rio, Malfoy Industries bought up every single property and renovated it. Now they are state of the art, elegant offices and hotels. Well except for the tacky thing that Mrs. Malfoy is staying in.

It's probably 9 when we finish dinner. Music starts drifting in. The first song was an Ed Sheeran song 'Shape of You'. I offer her my hand, "Shall we?"
I lead her to an open spot and have such a fun time dancing. The latin rhythm made the song sexy. I had her spinning. Our hips were in perfect unison. My pulse quickened in time with the song.
The next song was 'Slow Hands' Niall Horan. She laid her head on my chest as we rocked to the melody. I closed my eyes and just reveled in this moment, remembering every detail from the fairy lighting to the scent of her hair.
The next thing I heard was a lighter beat of 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You' and we were back spinning around, laughing. She glided alongside me across the dance floor. I dip her deeply and not want to bring her up. I can just have my eyes look into hers forever.
I need to thank Trini for the music selection when I get back.
Every time I think it is going to end, another perfect song comes on. We end up dancing much of the night in quiet euphoria. Some of the songs are upbeat and remind us both of days past. But all have lyrics that touch both of us. From 'One Call Away' to 'Stand by You' they each have a meaning to the both of us.

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