Chapter 26 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 20 August 2017

Today is the day that we are breaking the news to the kids. Tomorrow we are going school shopping as a family, though the Prophet won't know that part yet, then the next day moving into one house.

This is all going so fast. I am worried about what Rose and Hugo and now Scorpius will think.

Draco is taking it in stride, for as much as I can gather. A couple of days ago he got a car, so I guess he shops when he's nervous. He won't admit it though, that he's nervous, but he has an obvious tell. And it isn't just shopping for expensive toys. His eyes give it away. Every time. Maybe because they mesmerize me and I am so fixated on them I notice. But they do. His emotions can be read in the ever changing grey eyes of his.

But my emotions are trying to be bottled up until tonight, when we all are sitting down to hopefully not explode all over the Potter's home.

Draco left Chicago separately, because he was picking up Scorpius and spending the day just the two of them. I was picking up my kids and going to keep things as normal as possible.

It wouldn't be the case.

"Ginny, Harry, Hugo, Rosie - I'm back!" I say the moment I emerge from the hearth at the Potter's home. "Hello! Is anyone home?"

I stopped by the Ministry offices to check on what was going on before coming to the Potter's but still someone should be here.

Nope. No one.

I finally find a note left on the kitchen table.

'Mione - if you are reading this, SORRY!!!! The kids wanted one last run before going to school, so we took a quick trip to Muggle London. We shouldn't be long. I have dinner cooking - I did roast chickens (3 considering there are Harry, Draco, Teddy, James, Albus, Scorpius, and Hugo to feed - reminds me of the Burrow meals) and sides and desserts. I thought it might be good to be out of the house because one of the boys - probably James - would eat the dessert before dinner even began. We'll be home soon, just pull up a book like normal. See you soon. Gin

So she tells me to pull up a book, but with my nerves I don't think I can. Hopefully my husband is having a better day than I am.

That man, what am I going to do with him. I would say that phrase with Ron, but it was out of exacerbation. Draco, it is because he surprises me.

He bought a car and is now having it shipped to England, because he loves to fly and knows I am terrified about it. We discussed that we can use it to take long relaxing road trips to nowhere. For me it sounds divine. Just the two of us going somewhere but nowhere.

And the hotel he had me move to. That I am grateful for many reasons. I was originally booked in the hotel room that my husband's mistress was in and that was destroyed to cover my husband's disappearance. Oh how much I want the man gone, yet for the kids he needs to be part of the family. This is terrible but at least I have Draco there to give guidance if Ronald does decide to resurface.

But that isn't the fear I have. My fear is how the children will take the news tonight.

And then making it public. Knowing the Malfoys, there will be a party involved. I'm not ready for that so much. I was expected to go to the annual MII Christmas party, but I always found ways out of it. I guess I didn't want to see Draco and Astoria looking happy together. I guess they never were. And Ron never wanted to go as my date and it would look odd that Hermione Granger-Weasley was arriving by herself.

This year it will be different. I will be coming as the expected incoming Minister, so I would have to go. But I would also be expected to go as Mrs Hermione Granger-Malfoy, the wife of the company's head. And I will be there next to my husband. I now regret not going to ones before. I have no idea what to expect. Well, I'll have a handsome husband to guide me through, and how different is it from the Ministry parties.

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