Chapter 34: Malfoy

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Draco 26 August 2017

I still don't know if my question from yesterday is answered. I asked Potter if my marriage to Hermione is still valid since it was based on Weasley's being dead.

I fear the answer. Absolutely fear it.

I can't lose her. Not again.
She's mine, the Minister has to see it.
She's my entire world.
My sun that radiates the Earth, bringing it to life.

We have to be married. I just can't think of not.

Screw this damned baby pool right now. Oh hell, what if she's already pregnant? Will that mean our child is a bastard, like the weasel's? Oh please no. If she is pregnant, it is a child conceived from love, not lust. I will claim the child. He or she will be a Malfoy just like Scorpius. I will find a way to raise the child, with his or her mother, and brother.

How did my life go from being in a very good place, easy, joyful, full of love - okay maybe not so 'easy' but we are working on the kinks - to this fiasco of a hurricane ravaged disaster zone.

We still don't know where Ronald ran off to. Again. The bastard has disappeared as quickly as he came. Hopefully he ran off to that baby-momma of his in America. Theo can't find him there though and he has pulled numerous contacts and friends of friends in on the search. Harry can't find him here, he's gone through practically every one of the Ministry contacts and their friends from school.

I just know, in less than a week's time, Rose will off to school for the first time and probably the redheaded, used-arse wipe-paper of a weasel will be there. The aurors and my security team will ensure her safety. But I worry about Hugo also. He'll see his father and probably bolt off like some confused manic child he is.

I have reserved time with Trini's shrink friend and Rose has already gone once. Hugo is next. The first fight my wife - well hopefully my wife, if the bloody Ministry ever figures that out - and I had was which child should go first. I swore Hugo, and she pleaded for Rose.
I am glad I gave in, since Rose has less time to adjust to this idea before going to school and upon seeing her leave the shrink's office (just so you know, her head was the same size coming out as going in, I checked), she was a mess. He got her to open up and face the challenges that she is working through with her dad, our marriage, and even her relationship with her step-brother and cousins. She is so much like her mother, bottling every feeling up inside for the best of those around her.

I need to have Hermione go soon too. I'm worried about her.

 I'm worried about her

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Draco 28 August 2017

It took two days. Two fucking agonizing days. The damn Ministry had no idea what - or if - our marriage was for two days. Finally we got an owl to come into the Minister's office, just Hermione, Harry and I.

When we got there, I swear I should have had a couple of drinks beforehand because my nerves were shot, probably 12 people were in the office with stacks of parchment surrounding them and all with confused looks.

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