Chapter 18 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 11 August 2017

I've seen Draco about 3 times. He's told us what day it is, gave us food, let us know there is a plan, and he loves me.

Those three words keep me going every day.

They mean more than the danger he's put himself in for me.

Hopefully today I will see him, or Theo or Tony. I found out that's the young auror's name. Draco, Theo, Harry and Tony have a longer term plan, but they don't want me or Trini knowing it. Just so that they have a plan for me to get home.

The door to our dark room opens. When it does it is the only light we may have seen in hours or days. It's blinding.

The quick closing, and a gentle 'lumos' tells me it is one of our friends today visiting.

"Honey, you look horrible. Trini eat this. Hermione, here eat. Please. Love, I'm here."
"Draco thank you for everything."
"Trini you had better be eating."
"Shut it Draco." She mumbles between bites. "This is actually good."
"Theo cooked." To which I get a nod.
"Draco." I can barely get out. "I've missed you."
"Shhh honey. Tomorrow is the day. You both need to sleep and eat. Here," I hand each a coin. "Harry says you'll know what this is honey. Something about Dumbledore's Army?" I smile. Of course Harry would remember the coins I made. "Good these are as he says better. How he can improve on something you made is beyond me. But they are trackers. Squeeze twice when you hear the commotion and a team will come and get you. I will be waiting in the hotel hopefully. If not, I'll be one of the good guys this time." He holds me close. "I hope you didn't hear any of the bull I've had to vomit this time. I believe none of it."
"I know."
"Hey eat. Please. No closing your eyes."
"It's the first time I've been comfortable. I just want to sleep in your arms."
"Soon, I promise. And when you're out, Mrs Potter has a surprise for you. And Kingsley is sending you home. Just"

It's the last thing I heard other than his heartbeat. I fell asleep being held by the man who is risking everything for me. Never have I felt so loved.

When I open my eyes, I am in darkness again.

"Mrs Weasley? Are you awake?"
"Yes. Just woke up."
"Draco will kill me if you don't finish your food. Or worse, fire me."
"I understand," smiling inside thinking back to first year when I thought being expelled was worse than dying. I find the food and start eating it. "Did he say anything else?"
"Stay low, Tony is getting us and then handing us to some aurors who will get us out of here. And anything he whispered was between the two of you."

This is the man every woman deserves. Someone who will do the unthinkable, go down dark roads in his past, to save you.

Not the man that I had, who went behind my back and used his job as an out to leave his family.

"He said he won't be in the fight. His cover is that he has to be back in London about now for a work function."
"Okay, so I shouldn't look for him then."
"No, just follow the aurors and stay low."

I nod.

Soon I will have him again. At home. I will hold my babies. I will have my family around me. I will be able to tell them our family has grown. In a good way.

"Trini, how will we know when tomorrow is?"
"Just listen for the rukus. We'll know."

I close my eyes again. The more they are closed and hopefully I sleep, the closer it is until we are freed.

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