Chapter 29 Malfoy

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Draco 22 August 2017

The headline on the front page of today's Daily Prophet: Ultimate Meeting of Wizarding Power Families
Spotted in Diagon Alley yesterday were the top families of the Wizarding World, sitting down to lunch.
Malfoy, Potter, Weasley, and Zabini families all enjoyed, what we can assume to be a very influential and somewhat intense lunch after a joint shopping trip for the upcoming Hogwarts First Years - Rose Granger-Weasley, Albus Potter, and Scorpius Malfoy.
The only member of the party, some say up to 30 people large, to comment was Pansy Zabini (nee Parkinson) who had this to say, "In a recent business trip for Malfoy Industries, Draco [Malfoy] ran into an old classmate Hermione Granger-Weasley where at some point the topic turned to their families and how both had children that would be attending Hogwarts this term. It was suggested that the two families, and the Potters who also have a child who will begin this year, meet up and have young Scorpius meet some of his future classmates. The children hit it off well and we all had an eventful lunch together. Nothing really, just families bonding together over their children going to school together and reminiscing over our years and antics at Hogwarts."
Was that all that took place behind closed doors? One waitress, off the record, commented that Mrs Granger-Weasley was holding the newest addition to the Zabini house - Esmeralda Zabini who was born earlier this month - and making a fuss over the little one. Draco Malfoy is said to be the Godfather to the young Zabini, yet the Prophet has yet to learn who the Godmother may be. Can it possibly be Hermione Granger-Weasley?

"Draco" my bride calls upstairs as she sips her coffee, "tell me that Pansy's on the payroll in some way."
"She's not dear, unless you count the obscene amount that Blaise brings home. Why?"
I can hear her laughing as I come downstairs and join her in the kitchen. "Because, she is a master of spinning a story. The quote she gave to the Prophet makes it seem like nothing possibly occurred."
"Well my love," I explain, "she was the division head of MII's PR department before deciding on having a half dozen children with my COO and best friend," leaning down and kissing my wife tenderly on the crux of her neck.
"It shows. The only thing that can be perceived as 'scandalous' is me holding a newborn Zabini baby. And what politician wouldn't want to be caught holding a baby? Nothing even about our discussion with Minerva." She winks and gives me a coffee infused kiss right back.
"Love, either we need to set our alarm clocks earlier, we need to give up morning sex, or something else. We can't always be late to work." I grab her arse and pull her into me. "And I am not ready to give up just yet. I am not a quitter."
"Neither am I," she says in that hot, throaty voice of hers. "Alarm set for - what - 2 hours earlier?"
"Well let's see - there's the bed, the shower, the daily fails of getting clothes on... yeah I would say 2 hours should suffice."
"And at breakfast, can't forget breakfast," she starts to unbutton my shirt as I reach for her zipper on her dress.
"I can't forget breakfast" came out as a low growl. "Most important... of the ... day..."

Not much was said after that until Rose and Scorp came down for breakfast and saw our clothes tossed aimlessly around the breakfast bar and both screeched and ran upstairs. But by then the kitchen was - um - as Muggles say 'christened' and my wife and I were unapologetically late for work. Again.

Honestly I don't know if Rebecca, my wife's assistant, minds her coming in late. She usually could cover for Hermione easily, and the amount of work my wife does, it really doesn't matter if she came in late or not. She is the best and the Ministry is lucky to have her.

And if they didn't appreciate it, hell I'll hire her on the spot, double her pay, and institute flexible - just like her - work hours. She could have the choice of jobs - except Blaise's. I abuse Blaise too much and love it. I think he loves it too, in a sado-masochistic way. Pansy also implies it spills over to their bedroom - I keep trying to block the image out and she keeps throwing it in my face.

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