Chapter 24 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 18 August 2017

This isn't going to be an easy day. I have to go to the hotel where my husband left me for someone else, and meet the magical government overseeing this part of the globe. We have already butted heads on a few issues - like magical and Muggle marriages. I am completely offended with this backwards idea. But that is not the issue at hand. No it just gives a backdrop for more disdain for me in the future.

I stopped off at the Potter's house with Hugo and Rose before leaving. I have a couple of hours before going to the Ministry and then onto Chicago Illinois. A cup of tea and my best friend would be helpful before I leave.

"Auntie Gin" my two cheerfully ring out upon entering their home through the fireplace.
"In here kids. Just know we have a guest too."
"Ginny who could you..." I paused when I left the library and entered the dining room. I recognized the platinum blonde hair and molten grey eyes. "Good morning, Scorpius isn't it?"
"Yes ma'am. I'm Scorpius Malfoy." The young man stands and strides over to shake my hand. He really is Draco's mini-me. "I believe you know my father."
Please don't blush, body don't fail me. "Yes, Draco and I are good friends." I see Ginny snort tea out her nose.
"Understatement" she coughs violently. I can only glare at her. "Scorpius stayed the night last night."

I take a mental note: 'have my husband let me know ahead if his son is having a sleepover with the Potters. Especially if Rosie is staying over.'
I look over at my daughter, who is trying to avoid the look and blush of Scorpius, and vice versa. I motion for Ginny to follow me in the kitchen under the auspices of getting a cup of coffee myself. "Did you see those two?" I whisper to her.
She is the color of her hair, restraining her laugh. "Yes. The moment she walked in, he got the goofiest grin on his face. I've only seen it on Harry, my brothers, and um..."
"My husband? Yeah I've seen that same face before."
"Your daughter and" she starts giggling again. "I can't."
"Yes I know. Trust me I know. I need to sit Draco down and discuss this with him."
"Discuss what with Draco?" Harry casually strides in and kisses his wife.
"The lovebirds in the dining room." His wife replies still trying to control her schoolgirl-ish giggle.
"We have multiple lovebirds or is Dra" Ginny and I jump on him and cover his mouth.
"No. He's not. His son, my daughter." I quickly and quietly explain.
Harry, still gagged by his wife's hand, is tearing up. His eyes are laughing for him. When he is finally freed, "can I bring popcorn when he explains that to his grandmother? And Ron? Or better yet, sit down with the two of you. That is a family home video for posterity."
"Only if you get Draco and I a large amount of firewhiskey," I rebut. I look over to Ginny, "when, praytell, is he leaving?"
"Draco said he'd swing by and take Scorp to the Manor to spend some time with Astoria." She leaves to hopefully chaperone the children.

I decide that my coffee has been neglected long enough and I chug it. And pour myself another one.

"That bad of a morning 'Mione?" Harry studies my facial expression with extreme intent.
"Not looking forward to this trip. That's all."
"I spoke to Kingsley yesterday afternoon. Tony is going with you from our department, and I guess Theo is going from Malfoy Industries. He's escorting a gal from their acquisitions department or something. Either way, he'll be there if you need it too."
"That's not what I mean. MACUSA, well we're not on the best footing to begin with. Now you and Ron involved with this mess. It just makes it worse."
Harry thought for a moment. "Hey if you ever need to lighten the mood, you can always think of a certain blonde gentleman. You face - shit even now - brightens just at the thought of him."
As on cue, I hear him calling from the library, "Scorpius, are you ready yet? I promised your mother I'd get you there before I go into the office."
And I'm blushing. Harry reads it and calls out, "Draco, don't you have time for a cup of coffee in the kitchen before you head out?" before pecking the top of my head. "Just promise me you won't in my kitchen. I still have the mental picture in my head from Rio."
"Potter I would love a cup of coffee," my husband says striding into the kitchen. I thank Ginny for putting a large, thick door between the kitchen and dining room at this moment. One that you can't hear through and one that creaks when being opened. "Hello beautiful. What brings you here this early?"
I motion for Harry to leave, which he does at a pace slower than a snail, while I reach up and grab a coffee mug for Draco. "Dropping off the kids before I leave for Chicago. And we need to talk."
"Scorp and Rosie. Yeah I caught on."
"You 'caught on'? Draco Malfoy," I say as sternly as possible crossing my arms across my chest, but it is very difficult when I am lost in his eyes and his arms seem to be calling to me.
"Rosie's thank you note sent him upstairs in a flash. No other girl has had that effect on him. It reminded me of me with a certain beauty," he wrapped his arms around me, "that is in my arms and in my heart right now." He leaned his head down, "I've missed you, my love. But we'd better be good. The kids are in the other room."
"And Harry already told me 'not in his kitchen'."
"Sunday can't get here fast enough. I just want to kiss you. Over and over and over."
"You're terrible Draco Malfoy."
"Ahhh but you love it Hermione Malfoy," he whispers into my ear sending shivers and hot flashes up and down my body. "But thank you for the coffee Hermione, I'd love to chat but I'm afraid I do need to go," he winks. The shithead winks at me after getting me all flustered like this. He takes his coffee and walks out the kitchen, "child are you still not ready? You're as bad as - well - me."
"Dad please." The embarrassment is obvious in his tone. I can tell those two have a much closer relationship that Draco had with his father. Their relationship was based on fear, mental torment, and pain. Draco's relationship with Scorpius seems to be based in love and understanding.
"Al," Ginny states as I linger in the doorway, "why don't you help Scorpius with his belongings. And dear," she's looking caringly at my stepson, "you're always welcome here. You're practically family." Draco, Harry and I exchange glances. Mine reading she's going to pay. Draco's is laughing into his coffee as he's causally leaned up against the buffet in the opposite corner from me, the sun from the window next to him making his blonde hair almost glow. Harry is just shaking his head looking down to avoid my glare knowing that both the Potters will hear about this - sooner rather than later.

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