Chapter 8 Granger

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Hermione 3 August 2017

What just happened? I lost myself in Draco's arms. His damp body, oh dear Merlin! His defined chest and abs that just turn me inside out. And that perfectly shaped V going to his... Get ahold of yourself.

Then he kissed me.

Instantly I was flown back to the dream I had the other night, the one where I lost it a few times. It was just like that kiss.

And I kissed him back.

Some part of me awoke with that kiss, something that has been deeply hidden for I don't know how long. There was an intensity that I never had. There was a heat that burned in a joyous flame. There was a chill that combatted the fire bringing every nerve in my body to its full fervor. An electricity that shot from my lips to where his body embraced mine to where ohhhh... someplace that my husband could never.

I touched him with longing, with need, with desire.

I kissed him with a heightened love, something that went beyond any physical cravings that I could have imagined. It was a connection on a spiritual plane. It was ethereal. There's no words that can completely describe the whole-ness that was that one small move between our lips.

"I'm sorry." He apologized a little too quickly. "It was out of place; for that."
"Don't. I'm not sorry. Not at all."
"Give me a minute, we can continue this." I didn't realize his towel was being held up only barely. Instead I can only smile and nod. He takes a step back and I hear him sigh.

Giggling I go back to my room wondering what did he ask me to do? I know it was something important.

I retreated to my room and look down at my phone. THAT'S IT! Harry called 22 times. Oh hell. He's giving Draco's business grief. That's what it is.
Oh great 14 calls from Ginny too. I had better brace myself for a whole Weasley/Potter arse chewing. I'll start with Ginny.

Ginny answers in a panic "Hello? 'Mione? Are you okay?"
"OF COURSE I AM! Goodness girl." I know she could tell I'm smiling; it had to come across the phone for a stranger, but to my best friend - she knows.
"You are in too good of a mood. Harry is going nuts. He came home saying something about Malfoy running off with you." She actually took a breath. "If Harry is blowing this out of proportion or anything, I am taking his favorite broom and swatting him with it."
"Yes Draco - Malfoy - is here. We're working on the hemi-finals. By the way Luna says hi, we went to her sanctuary. Did you know Dra- Malfoy helped start it? Well anyways, something - um - happened."
"Hermione Jean Granger Weasley you had better keep talking now!" Why do I picture her face the same intense red as her hair right now?
"We had dinner last night."
"It was beautiful. It was a fairy tale come to life. It was on a rooftop overlooking everything. I felt like we were floating on a cloud. Then we danced, until it was really really late."
"REALLY? Shit how am I going to explain that to my husband?"
"And just now, he kissed me."
"STOP RIGHT THERE. What time is it there?"
"Ummm why?"
"You just woke up didn't you?"
"Did he wake up next to you?"
"No Merlin! NO! He is actually across the hall, but I guess my alarm woke him up and - uh."
"Keep talking or I'm sending my brothers after you."
"He just got out of the shower." Dead silence. Nothing came from her. I could hear Lily Luna in the background yelling for her mum, but nothing came out.
"'Mione. You can't just stop there. Keep talking."
"Um yeah well." I really couldn't describe what just happened. My cheeks were on fire. The rest of my body wanted more of his lips on mine.
"THAT good? Merlin's beard! You know you need to call Harry. Like right now. But from the sound of it, you need a cold shower."
"Dra-" yeah you can call him by his first name to your best girlfriend. "Draco is getting grief from your husband. Well his company is. I guess Harry sent Magical Law Enforcement to the headquarters..."
I can hear her laughing on the other end. "Yeah that's my husband for you. Call him. Leave the kissing a half naked Malfoy out of the discussion. Understand. Oh now I have something to talk about when he has dinner here." She's still laughing at this.
"You're evil Ginevra Potter."
"With my brothers, I had to be. Now call Harry before he sends them all after you."
"Yes ma'am."
"Shut it. Love you."
"Pray for me. Love you too."

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