Chapter 20 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 14 August 2017

Today - I just don't really know if it is today or if it is still tomorrow - the aurors, lead by Harry, will extract Trini and I. It's been about a week that I've been here. My love told us yesterday - I think - that we'll be free tomorrow. Or today. I wish I knew what day it was. This lightless hole is something that Dumbledore discussed "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." I need to find the light within. The light that keeps me going.

Draco is my light.

I know it is around Rosie's birthday. Have I missed it? I've never missed it. The day she was born, I promised I would be there for everyone of her birthdays after her father missed her birth.

I remember that day. For a month Harry wouldn't talk to Ron. I barely did, but that was because I was working and caring for the newborn. Pretty much by myself. Harry said that Ron was on an assignment for a few days afterwards, reluctantly, that he volunteered for. Who would volunteer for an assignment away from his wife and their new child? My former husband, that's who. I've never talked about it. I've never had to. All his family was there, and most of our friends, when Harry came out and introduced my daughter to her family. It worked because he is her godfather, but it should have been Ronald, her FATHER.

This birthday, she will have lost a father and gained a stepfather in the matter of months. Then I also guess she has a stepmother, maybe.

But she will have a stepfather that I know will take care of her. And Hugo. I wonder if Draco knows Rosie's birthday is coming up. I wouldn't put it past him.

I wonder what my baby girl wants for her birthday this year. I know what I want for her birthday, I want to be home. Home with her and Hugo, maybe a small party, but the family around.

I will invite Draco and Scorpius.
Ginny probably has something planned already. I just hope that I can be part of it.

I have to be. I have to be there for my baby girl. I will get out of here. I will get home. I will be there to see her turn eleven. I will go shopping with her in Diagon Alley. We will find her wand and get her supplies. Because in a few short weeks she will be off to Hogwarts.

I need to be there. I want to see the color of her cake.

Close my eyes. Think about the color of her cake and her blowing out eleven candles.

Trini is shaking me awake.
"Hermione, wake up. I hear it starting. Get up!"
"What? It's now?"

We both hear a fight going on outside the door. Brace yourself for when the door opens.

"Remember to stay low and stay with the aurors, just like Draco said."
"I don't remember him saying it, but thank you."
The door flew open and two aurors I recognized and one I didn't came in. "Mr Nott is going to take you Trini to the safe house. Mrs Weasley, you're with me." Theo Nott came in shortly afterwards and picked up Trini, I remember him vaguely from school. He is not as tall and lanky as her was in school, he is more muscular, more defined. He still has the long face, but there is a confidence that shows in his features and a caring in his eyes that were not there before. At least I don't remember them, but he was a Slytherin and I didn't really notice. The one auror I didn't recognize pulled me up. "Can you walk ma'am?" I shake my head, I really didn't think my legs would hold me.
"Hermione," Theo turned to me, "I hope you don't mind me calling you that... but here you'll need this." He hands me my wand. "Do you still have the anklet Draco gave you?" I nod. "Good. Let's get you two ladies back." Nodding to the auror, the two of them carry us outside the main room; the one that we were originally in. It reminds me of the Battle of Hogwarts. Fighting going on everywhere. But this time, it is obvious that we are winning.
I see Harry advancing on the leader of the group. Then I see him punch him. "That's what you get for kidnapping my best friend!" And he was out cold. Harry just turned around and downed four or five of his inner circle before we got out of the hall and apparated.

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