Chapter 21 Malfoy

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Draco 15 August 2017

How does she always know what to say? She wants me. She's upset that she didn't get me a wedding present. She is perfect and she doesn't even know it. She is my present. Every morning that I can wake up to her sweet face, brilliant mind, amazing body; that is my present.

I've been lucky to talk to Ginny. She told me that all Rose wants for her birthday is her mum. She would love her mum and dad, but knowing the circumstances Ginny thinks it is good that he's probably a no-show.
The party is planned. I dread trying to figure out the perfect present for her though. It can't be too much, or too Malfoy-ish, because she doesn't know about her mum and my marriage. But it needs to be something special.

I had discussed this with Theo while Hermione was still... yeah. He had a thought, something to keep her safe. God love Theo. Always thinking about everyone's safety. But I also saw his eyes linger on my left ring finger more than once.
"Draco, I need to know honestly." He began, I think the third day we were here.
I roll my eyes, "What Nott?"
"You said this is level Scorpius. I know that ring, the one Astoria tried to convince you to have as your wedding bands. What are you not telling me?"
"Theo, you actually can be smart if you want to. The pieces are in front of you. Put them together." His dark brown eyes narrow and the shadows this long nose casts give him a fearsome look. If you were on his wrong side, he could be something of nightmares. But having him on your team, he is a force stronger than any hurricane. The two of us work out together regularly yet he does more - martial arts, kickboxing, weights, pretty much everything. He even does meditation to get rid of the nightmares that plague us both. But he is now ready for any fight - with or without a wand.
"When did you get married?"
"Ahhh, see. You had it in you." I kid. He wasn't the smartest of us all, which is good that he is the brawn of the organization. "Rio."
"And we're keeping it under wraps?"
"Well that's a stupid question. Yes we are."
"Just clarifying." His look is serious, yet almost murderous. If he does kill anyone, I swear that's the face he gives before saying Avada. "Will it be a permanent under wraps thing? Because if it is, that is going to be damn near impossible."
"No," I chuckle, "just until the kids know."
"We need to increase the ransom account then. We increased a wife, Blaise's kid, her kids. And I was going to suggest it anyways with Scorp going to school. Hogwarts may be safe, but we both know that there are holes in their security."
"We've taken advantages of those holes when we were there. And Scorp and Rosie are smarter than we were." Merlin's Beard, I am in so much trouble.
"So you agree then."
I nod. "I was thinking about it too. I just... my mind is elsewhere right now Theo."
"I understand. Is there anything else bothering you other than your - um - wife? That's going to be hard for me to get my head around you and Granger. Though it wasn't unexpected."
Wasn't un -- whatever. I shake my head, Theo can get on my nerves at times. And he spent seven years on my nerves when we were at school. "Yeah. Rose's birthday is coming up in a few. There's no way that I can get something for her from Scorp and I. Heck we won't have met her before her birthday most likely."
"You know I was working on something, like the anklets, for Pansy. I can easily make adjustments to make it a rose."
I look at him out of the corner of my eye. "What are you up to now Theo?" Who knew this guy would be a tinkerer, but he came up with the original idea of the anklets and for us men 'medi-alert bracelets' as Muggles call them.
"It's simple actually. Have you heard of the Muggle FitBits?" I nod. They were all the rage a couple years ago. "Well this is the same principle. It monitors your heart rate, breathing, blood pressure. Just with some adjustments. It has a link similar to legilimency, so that it knows if the wearer is in danger or - well in Pansy's case - something more intimate in nature. It will alert someone that the person is in danger - I was thinking of connecting Pansy's to Blaise's wedding band or bracelet, so they can get help."
"Do it. I don't think Hermione will think twice of Rose having something like that, especially now."
"So if I make it a small rose, what color?"
"The family is expecting her to be a Gryffindor. So I would go with red and maybe gold trim?"
"I'll have the R&D team working on it today. What about the boy?"
"I don't know yet. From everything I've gathered he is a Weasel Prince." I think a minute. "Hey do you still have your old iPhone? I promised one to Scorp and one for Rosie. We need them to work at school."
"Piece of cake. I have mine. And I know it works at school. I got a call when I was talking to McGonagall about the security measures for Scorpius."
"It's a different world we live in Theo. When we were kids, it was the Dark Lord. Now we have to worry about nutters - both wizard and Muggles - after our kids to get to us."
"I'll probably need to talk to McGonagall again, about Rose now."
"Just make an amendment to the security plan." He gives me this confused look. "Yes I read it. Anything with my son's name on it, I read. Didn't you notice my comments?"
"I thought that was Trini, to be honest."

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