Chapter 15 Malfoy

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Draco 6 August 2017

"Is that your quidditch bag Malfoy?" Potter glared as I threw my stuff in.
"Yes, other than the odor, it is probably my most used traveling bag. Easy to apparate with and all." I threw my broom into it.
"Why would you need your broom?"
I just roll my eyes, "Chosen One, ugh. How many times did my wife save your butt, because your lack of foresight - even with four eyes - is disturbing." I seem to have him riled up. "If there is an emergency, I'm throwing her on the broom and sending her off. I don't care. She's more important and getting her somewhere safe is the first priority."
"She can apparate."
"Not if they have her wand. Which is the first thing we learn on the dark side. Take the good guy's wand and that leaves them practically defenseless." It's my turn to glare. "See you need me Potter. You and your goody-good ways are nothing."
"Probably should bring a broom for Trini then."
"She has one if she can get to it. I taught her to carry one with her at all times. Everyone in the executive suite of Malfoy Industries has special training in abduction prevention. There are usually high prices on our heads, especially when we travel abroad."
"Malfoy, you may want to teach me some of these when everything blows over. Where does Trini have hers?"
"I'll send Theo Nott, he's the head of security. He has some really out of the box ideas that keep us all safe. And Trini, her's is an anklet. It's charmed. Doesn't need a wand to activate it. She just needs to be able to unhook the anklet and it will transfigure to a broom." Potter's jaw looks like it came unhinged. "Have someone call Theo if there is a ransom request. There is a key phrase that allows access to one of our private accounts." I hand him a card. "Have them hand this to him and it will be paid. No questions asked. Theo doesn't know, nor will he really care."

I think to myself, 'shit now with Hermione, Rose, Hugo and baby Esme, I need to increase the account by at least 30%' The crap that goes through my head at the worst possible times.

"I think I need to remind you of something, Malfoy. Hermione doesn't like to fly."
"If it is between getting her to safety or not, she's going to fly."
"From the looks of it, she won't want to leave you."
"If she doesn't have a wand, I won't give her the option." I love her too much. "Now are we leaving anytime soon or should I pour us another drink?"

Potter is so slow at times. He thinks I'm just going to sit around and chat when the love of my life can be in danger? I come close to knocking him with a bludger bat, but that would be counter productive now wouldn't it.

"I wanted to talk to you about something Malfoy, before we left. I just don't know."
"Words would be best Potter. Use your words." I watch him roll his eyes at me. "Sorry I'm not one for sitting around doing nothing."
Now he's chuckling, "You must have changed. I remember you doing anything to avoid work at school." I can see him steady himself, "I need to assign an auror to you."
"That wasn't hard now was it. No problem. Just have it be someone that can hold their own."
"What? You're not upset?"
Merlin, why should I be? I shake my head. "No. Wait one more thing - have him be young too. Someone that might not be completely prejudice against me because of my name and that isn't known in the dark circles. I can have him be a cousin of Nott and get him into anywhere we need."
"Young and able to hold their own. I think I know the perfect guy."
"If things go sideways, he's going with Hermione. I'm not going to have some bloody auror get killed on my watch. Don't need you aurors blaming me. Have him know that. He keeps an eye on me, but his first priority is her."
He nods but I can see there is something going on in his slow moving head. "You really care about her. I've never seen you put someone ahead of yourself like this."
"DUH Potter. Oh you are the Clueless One." I rub my temples, I probably should have had some sleep at some point today. "Now can we go?"

He nods and we apparate into the Ministry and head to the aurors offices for a briefing.

Potter gears up his team, I work on the enchantment for my broom for Hermione. Like Trini's, her's will go to the closest safehouse automatically. She may hate me for it, but I need to do this for her, for her kids, for us.

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