Chapter 37 Malfoy

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Hermione 31 August 2017

I think I can justifiably say that today is the start of my new life, my normal life, with my normal family. I can say I am married to a man that respects me as a person, who loves me like a lover, and is my partner through life.

Yesterday after the hearing we came home, both mentally exhausted and collapsed. Neither one of us wanted to move for what seemed like forever. The hearing started at 10 and didn't get out until almost 4. There were only a few short recesses, and I think everyone just wanted to get home.

"Love, what should we do for dinner?"
"Pickup? Chinese food?"
"That sounds perfect." I see his eyes roll in the back of his head. "You want me to get it, don't you."
I chuckle silently, "could you please love?"
"On one condition."
"What's that?" I look at him questioning.
"It's just the two of us tonight. We pick up the kids in the morning, and have a last day before going to school."
"I'll send a message to Ginny."
"I'll get the pickup menu."

Not even 30 minutes later the two of us are on the floor of the living room enjoying some quiet time, a bottle of wine, and dinner. For once it was a quiet night with my husband.

As I went to clear the table, he disappeared for a moment. I knew he wouldn't be far, I knew how exhausted he was. I wasn't even done with the trash before he came up quietly behind me, wrapped his arms round my waist, saying "That can wait. I know you don't remember the first time I did this but..."

He slid one arm under my legs, and the other around my torso lifting me up gently and carrying me upstairs.

"Draco, what do you think you're doing?"
"Darling, our wedding night, well wasn't. I didn't mind then and I don't regret it now. But we have a second chance at our wedding night - since now we are 'legally married' - and let's make the most of it." As he carries me into the bedroom where there are roses, candles, and a sweet perfume coming from the bathroom.
"What is all this?"
"I apologize for not having chocolate on hand, but" as he lays me gently on our bed, "welcome to your honeymoon suite Mrs Malfoy."

I went and picked up the kids late this morning. Everything last night was perfect. Something out of a fairy tale. He had drawn a creamy milk bath for the two of us with rose petals floating on top, which we stayed in until our fingers, toes, and almost all of us turned pruney. I don't think, at any point last night, that we weren't touching each other in some way - whether him massaging my neck, me massaging his penis, or something in between.

Ginny knew. The moment I walked into the Potters, she knew.

"That must have been some party last night. I'm offended. You left me on kid duty" she gave me the 'how good was it last night?' look. One that I would usually give her, well I still do.
"Well now that we are legally married," she stopped me and drug me out of the kitchen and into Harry's study, locking the door behind us.
"SPILL THE BEANS SISTER! What did he do? All you said was that you wanted a quiet evening and if I could watch the kids tonight. Now I see you this morning with 'fucking amazing sex afterglow' thing going on," she said as she waved her finger around my face a few times to accentuate the point.
"He gave me a wedding night" I said blushing. "He had a bath for two drawn, rose petals on the bed..." my voice was trailing off as I remembered every detail from last night with a smile on my face.
She cocked her eye and mouth upwards, "Have him give Harry some pointers, we have an anniversary coming up and it sounds like he did pretty damn good."

I heard her mutter something about the stupid baby pool and adding another date or two.

I still get flustered whenever that baby pool comes up, "GIN! Stop it."
Shaking her head, "uh no. Sweetie, he's going to have you holding a little Granger-Malfoy in probably less than a year. And I am going to be so happy for the both of you. I'll pity Neville when it happens; because when it happens and the kid comes out with your smarts and his attitude, Neville and the rest of the teachers have no chance. I mean I worry about Neville this year. He has James, Al, Scorpius, Rose, and all the rest of the family. I think it is getting to the point where someone calls out 'Weasley' and half of Gryffindor answers. If not a good chunk of the school."
I laugh, "well when we were talking to Minerva about the announcement party, Draco was thinking that about a quarter of the school will be there. So yeah. And now I think about it - you're right. Poor Neville. I should send him a box of chocolate or something to get him through this term."
"You send the chocolate, I'll send the coffee. We'll have the guys send the alcohol."
"That's a plan." I try and leave, only to have her hand forcefully grab my shoulder and shove me back down into a chair.
"Who said you were done? You're telling me ev-ery-thing."

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