Chapter 14 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione 7 August 2017

I want him here. I need him here. Everything is going sideways and not since Voldemort was gaining influence and strength, have I been so scared. I am fearful because of the scar on my arm. There is a new pureblood nutter that started this mess here.

I heard an auror team, the best of course, are coming. Which means at least Harry will be coming.

Poor Ginny, not even a full day with her husband. It isnt fair, but it was the life we signed up for when we married aurors. I know. I remember. I just never thought mine would use it as a chance to walk out on everything.

But now with everything, I really could use my husband. Not Ronald. Draco. But I know he has a business to run and his son hasnt seen him for days. I cant even contact him to let him know Im fine. As fine as I can be in this situation.

His assistant Trini is here with me. The last thing she saw was that she was reading a text from him and then we woke up here.

Im doing everything I can to keep my scar covered up, both magically, and just holding myself. Thats because I am a little terrified what will happen if my blood status comes out. And I feel helpless.

Remind me to find a portrait of Bellatrix Lestrange and spit on it. I think her picture is still on the wall at Grimmauld Place.

I never thought about it, but Draco is also on that family tree. Astoria is and Scorpius too. Will my name be on it? I dont remember about Tonks and her father, but I never looked too closely at it either. I might have to now.

When I get back to London.

If I get back to London.

Draco! I need you!

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