Chapter 38 Malfoy

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Draco 1 September 2017

"Kids, come on. You can't be late. The train will leave without you. Ask Uncle Harry." I laugh as my wife is calling from downstairs. Trying to get three pre-teenagers awake, and moving in the morning is not an easy challenge. Rose has been up for over an hour. Her trunk ready to get to King's Cross. Scorpius isn't far behind, though he's still throwing stuff in his trunk every 15 or so minutes.
"Son, there is only so much you can bring to school and probably even less that you genuinely need," as he races by me for the third time this morning. I just got done trying to wake up Hugo - again.
"Dad, come on. I think I should at least bring two guitars."
"One, the acoustic one. Right Rose?" I look over at my stepdaughter who is trying to concentrate on what she's reading but really she's listening to our conversation.
"Oh, I don't know that much about guitars to tell the difference," she claims although she's been sitting in her doorway listening to Scorp sing and play his guitar for the last couple of days.

Knowing her she's looked it up somewhere already.

"Both of you have your phones? McGonagall gave you special permission for them." I remind them. "Also it's mostly for emergencies or calling home. Not for getting pizza flooed in, understand."

Rose chuckles and nods while Scorpius has the wheels in his head turning, trying to find a loophole. That's my Slytherin son there.

"Also, the whole deal with your necklace" I sit her down and take her book that she isn't reading, "it is connected to you and to your mum and I. If ever you get truly panicked, it will let both of us know. It isn't for just when you're at school either. It is anytime. So if there is something in Defense Against the Dark Arts that looks like it'll terrify you, please let your mum and I know before. Otherwise you might just have the aurors and Theo and his security team all swoop in."
"I understand. But what if I don't know I'm going to be afraid?"
Damn good question. "Well it is connected to you, it will understand what you are seeing is real or not. Keep thinking 'it's not real' or 'help' and it can tell the difference. The big thing is, when you have the class on the boggart, let us know."
"Dad, shouldn't I know too? I mean I'm closer than any of you and you can't apparate into school." 

Uh huh... right. That's the 'reason.'

"We have parameters son, but if you think something will genuinely terrify her, let me or your mum know. You two probably won't have all your classes together, but some. Look out for each other." Like I have to tell my son that. "And don't embarrass us, please. I've done enough to embarrass all of you for generations."
"Dad, I am going to ask one more time to make sure the answer hasn't changed - I can try out for quidditch this year, right?"
"Yes you can. And you may. I hope you make it. You won't be the youngest player - Harry beat you on that - but it would make me proud." Especially since McGonagall already knows Harry and I will probably be out for at least the Slytherin/Gryffindor match.
"Darling are the kids ready yet?" my beauty asks as she extracted herself from her office and rejoined the rest of the family.
"All present except Hugo." As I reach over to her and drag her cute little frustrated self over closer to me. I am never ever letting this witch go.
"Hugo Jace Weasley get down here now. You're holding you sister and stepbrother up." She yells out in frustration. This kid can sleep through a hurricane I think.
"Coming mum," he mumbles trudging downstairs only partially dressed and I think he's wearing his shoes on the wrong feet.
"Um Hugo, do you need some help with that? Or a shot of pepper-up potion? Or a double espresso?" This poor boy needs something to get him going this morning, well before it is afternoon.

My wife elegantly draws out her wand and waves it over her semi-awake son fixing his button mishap (I don't know how you can mess up the buttons on a polo shirt, there's only 3 of them), to his shoes righting themselves.

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