Chapter 17 Malfoy

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Draco 9 August 2017

"Do you know who we are?" I bellow after entering the meeting hall of the 'New Dark Lord'. At least this is what this moron is calling himself. "We sat at the table of the One True Dark Lord. The one that understood the need for pureblood supremacy and the disposal of all mudbloods." Remind me to have my wife spank me after saying this. "We are the last of the great families of purebloods, those that are worthy to be in His presence."
"You are nothing. You have no authority here. You have proven yourselves traitors to the cause."
"Does this look like the sign of a traitor to you?" I show him my Dark Mark. "From what I have heard, you can't even conjure an honest example of one. I grew up in the house of the great Salazar Slytherin and am descendant from the great houses of Malfoy and Black. Our family lines have been pure for centuries. Your families haven't even had adequate training in the Dark Arts. Yes we have heard of your inadequacies, it has been a laugh in the noblest homes in Britain."

If my wife hears me, even though she is at the other end of this hall, she'd be totally offended. But I hope Potter and Nott can convince her that I am only acting to try and have her safe.

"Then why, is the mudblood slag of such importance to your Ministry?" I hear this evil arse wipe snigger.
"Because the Dark Lord lost. At the hands of a half blood. A half blood that is on his way here currently to claim her back. She is important to him. We are now all in hiding worse than when the Dark Lord was sleeping. It is only a matter of survival for us who truly believe."

Yeah if she hears this, it means divorce.

"So can you teach us, teach us the ways of the dark arts?"
Theo chimes in, "When do you want to start?"
"Immediately, and as payment, you can take the half blood."
I glare, "I want the mudblood, we have a - history - shall we say. It was my aunt that carved her up. It falls on me to break her."
"No she is mine. I want to have some fun with the slag."

My stomach turns. That's Hermione he's talking about. That's my wife! But I have to remain calm.

I cackle, like my aunt used to. "If you keep her, it will only mean a battle with Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy Who Lived, the pain in my arse. One without the adequate training, you will lose. Voldemort fell to him at 17 while holding the most powerful wand in existence - the Elder Wand, how much of a chance do you really believe you have?"
"I have my ways. Now take the wretched half blood out of my sight and be gone."

I look over at Theo who just turns to leave, stopping at the two women cowering in the corner. Hopefully the auror boy did his duty and dropped off Hermione's chance to get out of here, the anklet. And hopefully she understands the significance.

Theo does what we rehearse regularly in our abduction prevention classes. I hoped it would never have had to be used, but now I am glad he insisted that we practice it over and over. Trini doesn't leave, which isn't a good sign, but I already knew that.

When we get to the safety of our suites, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT MORON TALKING ABOUT! I am so so pissed. If he lays a hand on her."
"Trini has lots of training, Draco. She'll be fine."
"Mr Nott, sir, I don't believe he's talking about Trini" the young auror stated.
"Thank you Tony. Do you two want a drink? I think it might be the only thing that could calm my nerves right now." I pour a double firewhiskey for myself while my comrades decline. "When did Potter say he was getting here?"
"Draco, how important is Granger."
"Think the utmost importance Theo."
"Above Astoria?"
"Scorpius level."
"Oh hell mate. Why didn't you tell me going into this. You finally admitted you've fallen for her. I can't tell you how relieved that you are no longer the stupid prat you've been for so long."
I look at him, "Wait WHAT!? What are you talking about?"
"Mate, I've known you since we were 11. You had it bad for her then. Then third year when she knock you out, first that was bloody funny, you kept calling her name for a week in your sleep. Fourth year"
"NO NEED TO GO ON! I get the point. Yes, she is Scorpius level."
"Sirs, what is Scorpius level?"
I look at the young auror, "It's the highest level we have. They are immediate family or loved ones. Scorpius is my son. Astoria is the next level, after my ex wife. Trini is Astoria level."
"Sirs, Mr Potter should be here in about 30 minutes. What are we going to tell him?"
"That we saw Hermione," Theo began, "and she is unharmed for now. Trini is with her, and we have an in. This one, Draco, what's your take?"
"I'll sit down with Potter one on one about that. Sorry mate, it's a close knit secret right now."
"So close that you gave her a broom to get out? And what was on the charm Draco? You can't tell me it was a Gryffindor lion."
"It wasn't Theo, but only Blaise and a select few know. Period. Drop it. Before I drop you."
"Well." He smirked at me, "You finally shagged her."

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