Chapter 22 Granger-Malfoy

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Hermione Somewhere between 15 and 16 August 2017 (Bloody time zone changes)

We leave by portkey from one place on one day, only to arrive at another place on another day. I feel like I have the time turner again. I am totally turned around.

Draco, Harry, and I land in the living room of the Potter house.

We are greeted by a whirl of red hair, "Shhhhh but you're home!" she whisper yells. That really is an oxymoron, but it fits; and only Ginny Weasley-Potter has it mastered. She crushes me in a boisterous hug, then turns to her husband and nearly jumps him right there. Draco and I both look at each other, blushing.
"Okay love, I will see you tomorrow at the party. Go be with your baby girl." Draco holds me close to him, laying my head on his shoulder as he nuzzles me. "I'll be the devilishly handsome one."
"I'll see you then, if I have to." I say teasingly. Like I don't want to see the man who risked everything to make sure I would be here for my daughter's birthday. Right now I want to call him Sir Galahad or something. He is my knight, like Trini said.
"Draco, we all owe you a lot. You brought my best friend home," now he's in Ginny's bone crushing hug.
"Potter, please extract your wife. I mean no offense, but I fancy my bride. This one's yours." But his eyes say something different. He is smiling and happy to be accepted by my extended family.
"Nice try Draco, you're stuck with me. I mean, at least for coffee weekly. Dinners at each other's' houses monthly at least. And that's not including my brothers and sisters in law, nieces and nephews, parents..."
"I get it, I'm now attached to the Weasley clan. I figured that out already Mrs Potter. But Ginny, I would like to breathe. And I think my wife would like that too." I think I hear a slight hint of fear in his voice as to how much is involved with the Weasley clan though. And Ginny in particular.
"Fine, you get home. I'm keeping her for a few days." She giggles and grabs my hand running upstairs. I feel like a fourth year again getting ready for the Yule Ball with Ginny and all the girls.

We stop in front of a room that my daughter has been in while I'm on this outreach mission. The two of us silently open the door to see my beautiful Rose sound asleep. "Go to her. She'll want to see you before any of us." And with that Ginny gives another backbreaking hug and pushes me into Rosie's room.

I take a look one last time down the stairs and see Harry - my best friend - handing my husband - Draco Malfoy - a drink and ushering him into the lounge. "Gin, could you ever imagine?"
"'Mione, you and Draco? Possibly. Harry accepting him? Hells Bells no!"
"That was a weird picture downstairs."
She's giggling, "Understatement. Only Hermione Granger could bring those two together. Only the brother she never had and the one who stole her heart. But it is really weird to watch."
"Almost as weird as Draco asking about Harry and your sex life." She looked like she was hit with a stunning hex. "Yeah, it isn't repeatable. But funny nonetheless."
"Hermione Jean Granger... Malfoy... that's going to take some time. You do not, under any circumstances, talk to your husband about my sex life. But you need to tell me how something like that came up in the first place. And from the look on your face, you have a fulfilling sex life now."
"Understatement." I squeeze her hand and go sneaking into my baby girl's bedroom. "Happy birthday Rosie." I whisper just before climbing in next to her in bed.

"MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The whole house is now awake, if they weren't before. "Mum, you're here. You're really here. Has Auntie Ginny seen you? Hugo? Is Uncle Harry back too? This is the best birthday ever!!!!"

Draco gets 'stepfather of the year' and Harry 'uncle of the year'. I need to get polo shirts with that embroidered on them because Merlin knows my husband will never wear a tacky tshirt with that imprinted on it. Now a coffee mug, that may never leave his office except to go to the conference room to brag in front of his board of directors. Yes my husband would drag that poor mug everywhere. But he deserves it.

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