Chapter 25 Malfoy

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Draco 18 August 2017

"Scorpius, son... you are too young to be involved with Miss Weasley. Please. For my sanity, please just don't."
"Dad, why do I think there is more to this than you're saying. I mean you and Mrs Weasley this morning were - like Aunt Pansy and you. I haven't heard you talk about her before your trip to Rio, and now we went to Rosie's birthday party - not that I'm upset about it dad - it's just weird."
"Son, it's hard to describe, but Granger and I have a long history. Not always the best. But it is nice to have someone like that come back into your life when you get my age."
"Dad, that made almost no sense."
"Only because you're young son. You'll understand one day." I give him a hug. "Did you find out when Miss Weasley is going shopping for her supplies?"
"Al thinks she's going with them on Monday. If that's okay with you, I'd like to meet up with him."
"Him? Or her?"
He's blushing. "Both?"
I nod in understanding. "Monday it is." Timing is perfect, we will have just broke the news to the kids and it won't have hit the press yet, nor will we have moved into the new house. We can look over the house on Monday after shopping. Breathe Draco. This is fast but it is working out. Working out a little too good. "Astoria darling," I chime as we walk into the Manor, "you look well this morning. Is there anything I can do for you? Anything you'd like me to bring back for you?"
"Nothing Draco. I am in need of nothing but time with my son." Scorp gives his mother a gentle hug and kisses her cheek.
"Mother, I wish I could stay with you and not go to school. I'm going to miss you."
"Not as much as I'm going to miss you darling. Now go upstairs and get settled. I need to speak to your father." I give my boy a hug before he rushes upstairs.
"How did we get such a good boy Astoria?" I shake my head in amazement as I watch his blonde hair fly upstairs.
"We are lucky Draco. Very lucky with him. Now any news on school shopping?"
"Ah yes. It will be Monday. He is wanting to join the Potters and" I chuckle "Miss Rose Weasley."
She looks slightly befuddled. "Rose Weasley? Which one of the weasel clan does she belong to?"
"Um she's kinda my stepdaughter." I nervously rub the back of my neck, since I know it is going to ultimately be the cause of a major migraine.
"You can't be serious?" A smile crosses her face as I shake my head. "Oh Draco, this is good. I cannot wait to break my silence and tell Pansy this. She is coming by for tea with the baby on Tuesday. Oh and so you know, I declined being the baby's godmother. I assume your wife will take the roll."
"Unknown at this time. I can pose it to Blaise, since he knows."
"How many people are you entrusting to keep your secret?"
"On my side - there's you, Theo, Blaise, and Mother. Her side, the Potters."
"The POTTERS? You are now associating with the Potters? On a regular basis?" Her voice echoing through the vast emptiness that is the Manor. The same echos that Hermione screeched many years ago as she was tortured here by my aunt.
"Yes the Potters. Actually our son spent the night there last night. He had a good time from what I've gathered."
"Why would Scorp spend the night at the Potters?"
"Because he's befriended Albus Potter."

She scowls. She isn't against the different wizarding families, but some things are hard to un-instill.

"It's not a bad thing darling. Scorpius is a good judge of character and from what I've gathered Al has a severe case of middle child syndrome. Talk to him." I lean over and kiss her cheek. "I have to be off though. I'll be home late Saturday, so can I pick him up on Sunday after brunch?" All I get is a curt nod as I make my departure.

"Ahhhh it's good to be home. Blaise darling, what is on the agenda before I go pick up my toy?"
"Selfish git," he snarls.
"What climbed up your backside?"
"How in bloody hell are you so chipper? I mean other than spending a small fortune on a car and not thinking of buying your best mate one too."
"I saw my beautiful bride this morning. And I can see her tonight also. Why else should I be so happy?"
"Oh Merlin, you're not even in the same house yet and you look like you had morning sex already."
"Nah we got nixed by Saint Potter. He didn't think having sex in his kitchen with the kids in the next room was a good idea."
"Wait! It crossed your mind? Having sex in Potter's kitchen? I knew you were a dirty dog, but damn Draco!"
"No mate. I honestly didn't think of it. Though seeing my wife and having her get me a cup of coffee this morning was a good way to get functioning."
"Oh mate. When you finally get moved in and everything is calm, you are going to be coming into work tired already."
"I'm more concerned about her." I smirk. "It is noticeable when she is happy. Very noticeable."
"Draco... that's enough. Now can we discuss the upcoming budget before you spend all your profits?"

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