1: kik- castiel

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Castiel Novak was deep in thought writing an essay on American Romanticism when a buzz from the phone sitting on the table next to him shook him out of focus. Rubbing his eyes, he picked up the phone and looked down at the notification on the screen.

New message from Impala67: hey

Castiel squinted his eyes at the name.


He didn't know any Impala67's, but then again he didn't know very many people at all. Even at the local college he attended in Kansas, he didn't have very many friends.

cassiopeia: hello? do I know you?

Impala67: nah... I just thought your username was cool

cassiopeia: you started talking to me because of my username?

Impala67: is that a crime?

cassiopeia: no... I would assume not

Impala67: good

Cas set the phone back down on the table. His mother would've screamed at him for talking to a stranger. But then again, Castiel couldn't remember a time when she wasn't screaming at him. It seemed he never did anything right.

But Impala67 seemed nice enough.

His mom would have to deal with it.

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