epilogue part 1

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author's note: welcome to the beginning of the end. it's been a ride y'all thanks for sticking with me as I tried to figure this story out. these parts are being written currently when i have time so it might take a few more days between updates.

2 years later.

Dean couldn't stop his eyes from watering as he watched the beautiful blonde curls on Jessica's head bounce behind her long lacy white dress as it flowed over the flower petals on the earth floor.

He couldn't stop smiling.

And looking over to where his brother was standing right next to him, neither could he.

Sam was crying, trying to keep his cool as he laughed through the utter shock of how beautiful his wife-to-be looked underneath the flowering green trees that lined the path to where he was standing at the alter.

Dean clapped his hand onto his brother's shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze as he wiped his own tear off his cheek with his free hand.

Jess was wearing a wide eyed smile, nearly laughing as she watched Sam struggle to catch his breath.

Dean looked out into the crowd watching the fond faces smile, and occasionally shed a tear of happiness, as she stopped at the alter right beside Sam.

Dean settled his eyes on the one person he wanted to be up there with the most, and there he was, sitting in the second row of lined white chairs, wearing a fond smile and staring at Dean.

They locked eyes as the priest began to speak, the two of them nearly laughing at each other through the crowd as the formalities began.

"Friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joyful union of Samuel Winchester and Jessica Moore."

Dean broke their gaze as the story of Sam and Jessica began to be told through the words of the priest that had watched it all unfold, her father.

He spoke with a smile and a gentle tone, but behind the facade, Dean could tell he was struggling to keep it together.

Everyone tended to be like that in weddings. Everyone cried, and everyone laughed, and everyone was happy. Someday Dean wanted to feel that overwhelming joy too.

The day couldn't come soon enough.

For now, he watched as his brother enjoyed one of life's greatest moments. Seeing the feeling it gave his brother was good enough.


Hearing Sam's laughter on the dance floor as he dipped Jess into a kiss was all Dean needed to break into a huge grin.

He was sitting at their table with a beer in one hand in Castiel's in the other, embracing this sense of normalcy that now came with his boyfriends touch.

"This was the cutest wedding I think I've ever been to." Castiel yawned, leaning over onto Dean's arm as they both stared off at the newly weds.

"This is the only wedding I've ever been to." Dean brought the brown bottle up to his lips and took down a swig.


"Yeah, I know. I'm pretty lame, but none of my friends are married yet."

"Who do you think will be next? Out of your friends at least..." Cas traced the back of Dean's hand with his fingers as they both continued their gaze out to the dance floor.

"Honestly... I don't know. Probably Charlie." Dean mumbled, setting his bottle back down on the table.

That wasn't the answer he wanted to give, but he also didn't want to ruin the surprise. Responding with 'hopefully you' would be too straightforward and would require Dean to explain, which right here in front of all these people didn't seem like something he wanted to do. It was a sure fire way to lead to a proposal, and doing it in the middle of Sam's wedding was a dick move.

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