62: castiel

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"Dean?" Castiel called through the hallway as he reached the end towards the front door.

He heard sharp breathing as he turned the corner to face the staircase.


Up on the fourth row of stairs was the familiar caramel hair leaned over on the wall underneath the handrail.

"Hey... you okay?" Castiel rushed up the wooden steps, ignoring them as they creaked beneath their combined weight.

Dean looked over to Castiel and gave a small quick smile that Cas almost didn't catch.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"Your dad's a piece of shit by the way... I heard what he did." Cas said sitting on the step next to Dean.


"He knows." Castiel leaned his head over onto Deans shoulder and grabbed his hand.

"Who told him?" He whispered intertwining their fingers.

"I did."

"You didn't have to do that Cas. I was getting to it. I just... I really needed out."

"I know Dean. You don't have to explain yourself."

"That's what I love about you." Dean whispered down at him, simultaneously rubbing his thumb over Castiel's hand.

Cas smiled and stared off into the dimly lit doorway with Dean. Beyond the front window, the hood of the impala shown under a streetlight, and the flowers from the front yard were no longer in bloom due to the darkness of the night.

"Do you mind if we go soon? I don't know if I can deal with him much longer." Dean sighed.

"Alright. You want to go say bye to everyone first?"

"Not really."

"Dean... it's your brother's birthday. You're not just leaving unannounced."

"I know it's just..."

"I'll be beside you the whole time, remember?"

"Okay." Dean stood up from the step he was sitting on.

Castiel watched as his silhouette became more detailed when it approached the light. As Dean started walking down the few remaining steps, Castiel's hand got dragged behind, causing him to follow his pace closely as not to get left on the stairs.

They walked down the hallway right beside each other, but as the approached the dining room Dean slipped behind Castiel, hiding behind his shoulder. In return, Cas gave Dean's hand a gentle squeeze before he pulled it behind him through the doorway.

"Hey Sam. I think we're gonna head out. Dean's not feeling well." Castiel said quietly from the doorway.

"Noooo what's wrong?" Charlie got up and started walking over towards them.

"I guess I'm just sick. Probably had too much to drink." Dean whispered as she neared them.

"You Winchesters I swear." She said as she stood on the top of her toes to wrap her arms around Dean's neck. "Love you."

"I know." He whispered back, patting her back.

She pulled back from him rolling her eyes and turned to Castiel.

"You take care of him you understand?" She pointed.

"Of course." He smiled back.

"Bye Kevin, nice to meet you." Castiel then waved over to the end of the table.

"You too."

"I'll um text you guys later." Sam said giving a quick smile.

"Okay... Happy Birthday!"


"Bye guys we'll see you later." Jess smiled from beside him.

"See ya Jess." Dean mumbled, waving with his free hand.

From the other end of the table, Castiel watched out of the corner of his eye as John just stared at him. He could feel the tension eating Dean alive, so instead of addressing the oldest Winchester he just turned around with Dean's hand in his, and left the room.

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